I'm trying to do the buyer persona exercise, but at this stage my personas are strictly hypothetical. I don't have any real-life contacts. I'm inventing personas who I think are as close to real life as possible, so I can best design a marketing pla read more
Hi there, I am in the process of completing the "Building a Website in Content Hub Starter" course on HubSpot Academy, where I am currently at the "Create a Blog" practical exercise (or supposed to be). The problem is that this section show read more
I submitted my practical exam one month ago but unfortunately did not achieve a passing score. Since then, I have attempted the exam multiple times; however, I have not received any feedback after resubmitting.
Hi! I am completing the HubSpot Service Hub Software course, but the practical exercise "Create a Customer Feedback Survey" requires an account upgrade to complete. I’m unable to proceed because my current HubSpot account doesn’t have the neces read more