La raison d’être de mon entreprise est de contribuer à un changement positif en rendant les idées, outils et réflexions accessibles à tous. Je veux inspirer les gens à avancer, un pas à la fois, en leur offrant des clés pour trouver du sens et de l read more
Before rolling Hubspot out to my company, I am testing the features. I want to practice using it to track projects. I'm trying to see where within the CRM I can enter the COST and the SELL price of an item I create in order to produce profit repor read more
hi hubspot team! i just took the test to renew my social media marketing certification, but apparently it still shows the current date which is about to expire. could you please help me solve this issue? thank you!
Hi! This is Tom from HubSpot Sales. I am here to explore the paid products we offer or help you better use our free products. So that I can point you in the right direction, I'll need to ask a few questions. Is that read more
Hi @AShramko ,
I can confirm that I received an error. Can you please share a screenshot of this page that shows everything connected and the more
Hi, I’m currently working on upskilling by pursuing the HubSpot Software Certification. However, I’ve encountered an issue—I don’t have an official HubSpot subscription, which seems to be preventing me from completing the certification. I was unde read more
So i completed the test again today and I need it to show this day from today till the end. I need this because I need to show that I did it new to my employer. Why is it not updating? It shows the date from when I took the exam one year ago. Than read more
Hi, I want to transfer certificates from my personal email to my business email. I tried transferring them myself, but I don't get a confirmation email. No it's not in my spam or commercial inbox and no I do not get error messages. Yes I ch read more
Hi, You should head over to HubSpot Academy and check under the Courses tab. Your progress for completed courses is shown there, so you can grab more
I need help transferring my certification from an email address I no longer have access to, to my new email address. Could you please assist me with this?
I've completed the " Using HubSpot's Free Marketing Tools" course and passed the test, but the no exercise has yet to be graded and is preventing me from receiving certification and it has been over 48 hours and still has not been graded: Cours read more
Hola, estoy tratando de ver clases del curso, pero siempre me aparece el siguiente error, ya eliminé caché, ya cambié de redes y el error sigue, es la unica pagina que me genera errores para ver videos. Agradezco la pronta ayuda.
Hola Laura, Veo que es algo en la velocidad de mi red, lo curioso es que me falla solo en esta platraforma, ¿hay alguna opción de descarga de more
@SDSANDERS you might try clearing your cache - this could help clear the error if you are connected and help the video to resume working as more