Não consigo obter minha certificação do Hubspot Marketing Software. Já consegui a pontuação necessária para passar no exame. Porém, está tudo travado no exercício "crie um contato manualmente no Hubspot". Já fiz o exercício, mas ele está há dias par read more
Oi @camillacs , boa sexta!
Lamento que esteja com dificuldades na certificação do HubSpot Marketing Software. Se o exercício de criar um con...read more
Hi, You would need to go to the navigate to the design manager. There, you will have options to manage themes (including deleting them) . Once delet...read more
Hi there, Just one of my practice exercises for the HubSpot Sales Software certification has not been graded even though it has been over 24 hours since their submissions (it has been over 7 days). Can someone please look into this? Thanks!
Hello, During the breakdown of my exam, I was told I got this question wrong: True or false? You should only start identifying passive buyers after identifying all of the active buyers. My answer that I gave during the exam is: False. read more
Olá equipe de suporte, Estou enfrentando um problema com as permissões de superadministrador na minha conta de HubSpot Marketing Starter (4Easy PRRC 144559604). O email de superadministrador estava incorretamente associado a <vdsantosg@gmail.c read more
Possuo uma licença de Marketing Starter para a minha empresa 4 Easy PRRC, Lda (domínio , porém a permissão de superadiminstrador ficou associada ao email errado ( xxx ) e deveria estar associada ao email da empresa ( xxxxx ). Preciso de ajuda para f read more
Oi @C4EasyPRRC ,
Como somente um superadministrador pode atribuir essa permissão e o suporte não pode fazer essa alteração diretamente, a me...read more
As a developer, creating a tool is one side of the story, but promoting it effectively can be challenging. Here are four practical ways you can promote your tool and get it in front of the right audience: Leverage Social Media Platforms Social read more
Question 1 of 4 Skip quiz Choose all that apply. Which of these questions does keyword research help you answer? What are people searching for? How difficult will it be to rank for a search query? Why do people search for one keyword over another? W read more
Question 1 of 4 Skip quiz Choose all that apply. Which of these questions does keyword research help you answer? What are people searching for? How difficult will it be to rank for a search query? Why do people search for one keyword over another? W read more
Thank you, I know the answer to the question, the problem is it won't accept it. It won't accept any answers. It's broken so I cannot finish the quiz...read more