add my certificate in upwork profile ( Design Certification )
I have completed growth driven design and CMS Developer Certifcation and want to upload in on learning centre i didn't found option to upload on upwork. Please check the screenshot
add my certificate in upwork profile ( Design Certification )
Good day! 🙂
Just wanted to check, how is Design Certification listed on Upwork different from Growth-Driven Design? I mean they are both different right? Would it be possible to request for a logo or maybe a picture of both as to how they look like?
Currently the only certifications that include the upwork option are:
HubSpot Marketing Software Certification
Contextual Marketing Certification
Design Certification
HubSpot Agency Partner Certification
The certificates I am seeing referenced in your screenshots are not included in this list, so the option to add to upwork is not expected to be available at this time.
For more information on this, I wanted to share this resource.