My Team page says I passed, Track page doesn't show certification
I've looked through some of the other posts, but most people seem to be asking about the Inbound certification. My problem is with the Marketing Software certification, not sure if that makes a difference?
When I look on the My Team page, it says that I have passed the Marketing Software class. When I look at the Tracks page, there is no button to click for the certification. Worked fine for my Inbound Marketing, Inbound Sales, and Sales Software certification.
I'm attaching screenshots here. Any ideas where I can view my Marketing Software Certification? Thank you!
My Team page - Passed Mktg SoftwareTracks Page - Missing certification button
I partnered with the Academy team regarding this matter and they have confirmed that once you have completed the exam you have 11 months to complete all of the practical exercises. In other words, the time frame that would have enabled the certification to be valid expired before you completed all of the practical exercises. In order to make everything valid again you will need to retake the exam.