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HUB ID (4189132) - Please grade the practical portions of my class certifications ASAP

Hi All, I sent this message to Julia and she suggested I send it along to you. 
I hope you are all well at HubSpot. Now that we are back from spring break and dedicating the rest of the semester to online teaching... I'm trying hard to get my 30 students through the Marketing Software certification. They should all pass the test by Friday and now we're trying to do the practical exercises in a way that does not wreak havoc on Our First job Search. Can you alert someone to the fact that we need them graded so we can delete the stuff we really don't need? Buyer personas happened today. BUT we need to launch campaigns on 4/1. So, we need them graded so we can delete the irrelevant personas before they start showing up on forms! Attached is a screenshot from class slides today to let you know when we'll be working in class to build these things. Could they get graded ASAP And could someone let me know they are done? This is a really difficult process. I'm trying my best to get them certified AND run this business!
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Equipe da Academy
Equipe da Academy

HUB ID (4189132) - Please grade the practical portions of my class certifications ASAP


Hi @MrsPTMorris,


Thank you for reaching out! Most of the exercises for this certification take 24 hrs to grade. Exercises are graded in the order they are submitted to in our queue so we greatly appreciate your patience with this.


If all of your students haven't received a grading by next Tuesday at the latest, please let us know.




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Equipe da Academy
Equipe da Academy

HUB ID (4189132) - Please grade the practical portions of my class certifications ASAP


Hi @MrsPTMorris,


Thank you for reaching out! Most of the exercises for this certification take 24 hrs to grade. Exercises are graded in the order they are submitted to in our queue so we greatly appreciate your patience with this.


If all of your students haven't received a grading by next Tuesday at the latest, please let us know.


