HubSpot Academy Support


Content Marketing Course Update - Lesson Resources Link Change


Hi again HubSpot Academy Team,

I'm reaching out to let you know about a small discrepancy I noticed in the Content Marketing Course.

Under the "Building a Content Creation Framework" section, the Lesson Resources link for the "Tool: Campaign URL Builder" has changed.

While the old link redirects to a page mentioning the Google Analytics platform (with the tool accessible from the left menu), it might easily be overlooked. I believe using the new direct link would streamline the user experience.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for the consistently excellent content you provide.

Take care!

- Jen G.

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Content Marketing Course Update - Lesson Resources Link Change


Hello @JenGodin ,


Thank you for reaching out to the academy community page! I'm happy to help out with this. Thank you for this information I will relay it to my team. 


Thank you!



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Moderador da HubSpot

Content Marketing Course Update - Lesson Resources Link Change


Hello @JenGodin ,


Thank you for reaching out to the academy community page! I'm happy to help out with this. Thank you for this information I will relay it to my team. 


Thank you!



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