HubSpot Academy Educational Examples

Inbound Professor
Inbound Professor

[Next Steps] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

Thank you for attending the Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads webinar!


I hope you had as much fun as I did. Who's ready for some popcorn??


Joking aside, we want to ensure you keep the momentum of this webinar going. So, to help you on your quest to becoming the best Google Ads expert, I've curated some resources that will help enrich and provide additional context to the content we've covered today. 


Fun fact: many of these resources were actually co-written and produced by Chris and I! Talk about a small (advertising) world! 


HubSpot Academy:


As an advertiser, there's always one question top of mind: How do you drive the highest quality leads from your Google ads? We sat down with the experts over at Google and in this lesson, we’re going to walk through their answer. Here's a hint: it involves offline conversions and value-based bidding strategies.


A successfully set-up and optimized paid search campaign can complement your organic search strategy and maximize your inbound marketing efforts. In this lesson, learn the basics of Google Ads and how you can get started today!


Google Ads is an effective way to drive qualified traffic, or good-fit customers, to your business while they're searching for products and services like the ones you offer. With Google Ads, you can boost your website traffic, receive more phone calls, and increase your in-store visits. In this course, learn how to create a successful Google Ad campaign that drives clicks and converts leads.


Worksheets and Guides



Blog Posts:


  • The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads:


Knowledge Base:


  • Connect Your Google Ads Account to HubSpot:


  • Manage Your Google Ad Campaigns in HubSpot


  • Track and Report on Your Google Ads in HubSpot:


Want to revisit what we covered today? No problem! 


[On demand] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads


Be sure to leave any additional questions or feedback you have on this thread. Chris and I are here to help 🙂 


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[Next Steps] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

[Next Steps] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

Thank you for attending the Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads webinar!


I hope you had as much fun as I did. Who's ready for some popcorn??


Joking aside, we want to ensure you keep the chat sonic login momentum of this webinar going. So, to help you on your quest to become the best Google Ads expert, I've curated some resources that will help enrich and provide additional context to the content we've covered today. 


Fun fact: many of these resources were actually co-written and produced by Chris and I! Talk about a small (advertising) world! 


[Next Steps] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

Thanks for the informative presentation guys!


I definitely attended this looking for more info on the technical side of things.


I'm always looking to learn more and understand the details of how these systems work. I think it's a key part of how one can make advised decisions on whether or not a tool will be usefull towards an end goal, or how best to use the tools, and how automation can be fine tuned etc...


I currently use Ad Events to send offline conversion data to Google. We have Customer (Lifecycle Stage) values based on Deal Amount, but also have assosiacted values with other Lifecycle Stages relevant to the Customer value.


For example:

– A Sales Qualified Lead is worth $50

– An Opportunity is worth $120

– A Customer is worth $2600


I understand that these conversion values are passed to Google when the Lifecycle Stage becomes active,  however when I look at the over all Ad Events summary, things don't seem to line up as I'd expect, so it seems like there is something behind the scenes that is not explained clearly.


Can you offer some clarificaiton:

Is conversion value data passed immediately or after a certain period of time, or is there internal criteria that needs to be met before it's pass on?


Does Google receive the cumulitive conversion value of all the Lifecycle Stages the Contact has been through or just the adjusted value to match the current Lifecycle Stage. 


If a Contact moves backwards through the Lifecycle Stage, is this communicated with Google and how so?

Inbound Professor
Inbound Professor

[Next Steps] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

Hi @Lorenzoenns ! 


Thank you for your patience! I checked in with our product team on this and have found the answers we're looking for! 


Q: Is conversion value data passed immediately or after a certain period of time, or is there internal criteria that needs to be met before it's passes on?


A: The conversion value data is passed immediately to Google.


Q: If a Contact moves backwards through the Lifecycle Stage, is this communicated with Google and how so?


Yes, we will send and update the lifecycle stage to Google even if a contact moves backward a stage.


The conversion value question is a great one and one I've reached out to Google product teams for! I'm still waiting on the response, but I'll update this thread when I have the answer!

Inbound Professor
Inbound Professor

[Next Steps] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

Hi @Lorenzoenns ! I just heard back from both the Google and HubSpot product teams 🙂 Their response is below!


Q: Does Google receive the cumulitive conversion value of all the lifecycle stages the contact has been through or just the adjusted value to match the current lifecycle stage?


Google receives the conversion value per lifecycle stage that has an assigned value. It is not automatically adjusted, it is based on the assigned ConV set by the client in HubSpot. Hence, if all stages including the final purchase are imported, the conversion value will be inflated. 


Additional comments/pro tips from the team:


  •  Due to this functionality, it doesn't make sense for folks to use the same conversion value for all of their lifecycle stage events.
  • In addition, this feature is most impactful if used when creating events for high impact lifecycle stage changes (rather than all possible lifecycle stages).

[Next Steps] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

Thank you so much! This is SUPER helpful!! 😀

Inbound Professor
Inbound Professor

[Next Steps] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

And the questions we didn't get to!


Q: I use Hubspot's Ad Events to tell Google when offline prospects convert to the Customer Lifecycle Stage. How often do these Ad Events sync to Google?


A: This is synced whenever your lifecycle event changes within HubSpot. Google Ads then receives this information and updates the lead stage to optimize your smart bidding strategy.


Q: Is there a way to automatically add an exclusion list to our Google Ads campaigns from within HubSpot so it stays up to date?


A: The best way to ensure you're not targeting poor fit leads when building within HubSpot is going to be through the negative keywords list - there's not exactly the exclusion list feature like you'd see in email currently. That said, you don't want to add too many negative keywords to, again, pidgeon hole your targeting. Smart bidding is going to be the best way to ensure you're hitting the best fit leads.


Q: Offline Conversion imports and enhanced conversions seem pretty similar, what's the value of using one over the other?


A: Both solutions are incredibly valuable.


Enhanced conversions for web is an online measurement solution whereas offline conversion import is an offline solution.


For customers optimizing to online conversion actions, we recommend enabling enhanced conversions for web to mitigate conversion loss in instances where cookies can't be tracked.


For customers optimizing to offline conversion actions, we recommend enabling offline conversion import to make the most of your first party data by optimizing towards events throughout the lead to sale journey. If customers optimize towards both online and offline actions, we recommend enabling both solutions to measure the full value of your Google Ads ROI.


Q: Is there any “More in-depth and detailed” tutorial about this topic on HubSpot?


A: Definitely start with some of the HubSpot Academy listed above and let me know if you have any questions! Depending on what you still have questions about, we might even be able to do another webinar or propose a new lesson!