I have moved your message as a new post for more clarity and because the other thread was mostly about Outlook.
This issue can happen when you reply-all or forward the email and then change the recipient email address. It can also happen if you copy the content of the email and paste it in a new email. Can you confirm you're not doing that? This could cause multiple emails to be associated afterwards in the same thread.
Also do you have this issue with multiple threads or only a specific one?
Thread in contact shows mails of other contacts using gmail
Hello. Thank you for getting back to me. The emails created were original emails with new information in the body. Only the subject line was the same. As of now, it is just one customer that is being matched with another specific client. I've confirmed that the contacts have not been listed on the wrong account. Please let me know if there is a work around for this issue. Thank you - Mandy
This may have to do with the subject being the same but we'll have to look at it further, can you send me via DM your hubID and the url of two contacts that you have the issue with?