Gmail Sales Extension


Stop recommending to view my own profile

When I use the Hubspot Gmail sales extention, and I am looking at an email from a prospect, I want to see the prompt to view my prospect's profile in Hubspot, but instead I always see "view Steven's Profile", which means me.

I assume the reason for that is that Hubspot is registered to my primary domain email address (steven at, but the email address that I actually use is a secondary domain (steven at so I guess that the extension assumes steven at is a 3rd party.

Can I somehow force the extension to realise that this other email address belongs to me so I can see my customer's profile more easily?

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2 Respuestas 2
Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Elite
Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Elite

Stop recommending to view my own profile

Hi @SRenwick 

Are these separate email inboxes or just an alias (second one)? Can't you connect both emails to HubSpot? 




Catarina Duarte

Senior Consultant | Periti Digital
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Stop recommending to view my own profile

It is a single mailbox - so the email address that I am usually using is an alias. Therefore "both" are already connected to Hubspot. 

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