Gmail Sales Extension


Hubspot x Google Sheets Mail Merge

How do I setup hubspot to use google sheets mail merge for email  tracking. I am already able to log the emails i send, I did this by adding my hubspot bcc address to the Apps script in Google sheets. But how do I get tracking to work as well?  My Hubspot extention already has email logging and tracking selected in the settings.

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Hubspot x Google Sheets Mail Merge

Thanks for the instructions, can this be done from the mail merge in Microsoft Word as well?

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Hubspot x Google Sheets Mail Merge

Hi Himanshu


I tried all of that and as I said my emails get logged to hubspot but they aren't tracked. So I don't get to see the email activity in the activity tab.

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Hubspot x Google Sheets Mail Merge

Hello @KBrathwaite-H 

These are the steps to set up HubSpot to track emails sent through a Google Sheets mail merge:

1.  Ensure that your HubSpot extension for Google Sheets has email logging and tracking selected in the settings.

2.  Set up a mail merge in Google Sheets using a suitable template or by writing your own script.

3.  When sending emails through the mail merge, make sure to include your HubSpot bcc address as a recipient. This will log the emails in HubSpot and enable email tracking.

4. In HubSpot, go to your Contacts database and view the contact records of the recipients of the mail merge. You should be able to see the emails you sent and the tracking data associated with them.

To view the email tracking data, go to the email's Activity tab. You will see the open and click rates, as well as a list of individual, opens and clicks.

Note: The tracking data will not be available immediately. It may take a few minutes for the data to be processed and appear in your Hubspot account.

Thanks & Regards
Himanshu Rauthan

Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology