Gmail Sales Extension

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HubSpot Sales Pro tool linked to another employee


Hi, I have a Sales Pro subscription and in the sales group.  My HubSpot sales plug-in is linked to another one of our employees (non-sales), and won't reset to me.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled and it automatically resets to the other employee. I'm not getting notifications or the sidebar at all.  Help.

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1 Soluciones aceptada
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Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite

HubSpot Sales Pro tool linked to another employee


Hey there jsowyrda,


I did indeed check that and it was me... but found a link on HubSpot article to reboot the chrome extension and that fixed it.  As we service multiple HubSpot clients, I sometimes go into their portals using one of our services team's access ID, and that makes sense on how the extension gets confused on who I am at times. 

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Administrador de la comunidad

HubSpot Sales Pro tool linked to another employee


Hi @Trumeter,


Is the issue that your HubSpot Sales Extension is connecting to a different user’s email inbox? If so, I would recommend confirming which email address is connected in your portal. You can find this information by following this article. If your email address is showing there, and is the same email address as your inbox, do you mind giving a bit more information around what email inbox you are using (Gmail or Outlook) and if there is a specific version. Any screenshots of where you are seeing the other user's information you can send as well would be great.


Thank you

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Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite
Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite

HubSpot Sales Pro tool linked to another employee


Hey there jsowyrda,


I did indeed check that and it was me... but found a link on HubSpot article to reboot the chrome extension and that fixed it.  As we service multiple HubSpot clients, I sometimes go into their portals using one of our services team's access ID, and that makes sense on how the extension gets confused on who I am at times. 

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