GMASS Open Rate Decline Since Installing Hubspot Plug In to Gmail
Hi All,
I installed Hubspot plug in to my Gmail a few days ago and it seems to have coincided with a 20-30% drop off in my Open rates when I use GMASS to send email campaigns
Has anyone else had this problem and have any advice or suggestions please?
GMASS Open Rate Decline Since Installing Hubspot Plug In to Gmail
@JLaugharne7 the gmail extension for HubSpot wouldn't interfere at all with your ability to send emails or reach your recipients.
When you use the extension, there is a bcc address added that allows the log/track functionality to work - since you're not using this option, it is really only acting as a shortcut to your CRM from Gmail.
The more likely cause is that you don't have your DKIM, DMARC, and/or SPF propertly setup for Gmail/GMASS.
While those changes go into effect officially today, many "beta" features were available to users which could impact your results over the last few weeks.
If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.
Just to clarify, you are sending the emails from Gmail (you have installed the extension HubSpot Sales for Gmail). You are not sending from HubSpot. Please let me know if that's not the case.
I'd like to share these resources that might help you:
I also wanted to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation: Hi @danmoyle, @beeginman and @Jnix284 do you have tips and advice to share with @JLaugharne7, please?
If anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂
GMASS Open Rate Decline Since Installing Hubspot Plug In to Gmail
Hi Bérangère,
Thanks for jumping in here and offering some advice. As I only have a Hubspot Free account and I send 2000 outreach emails a day I have just contiuned to use Gmass for my campaigns, it is very easy to log engagemnt from the Gmail Gmail widget straight into Hubspot as people reply.
Again becasue of potential or at least perceived volume reetriction issues - that I may or may not face with a free account - I turned off tracking and logging in the Hubspot widget becasue Gmass does both anyway.
So to be clear it is Gmass that I am sending my outreach campaigns from and since I have installed the Hubspot widget to my gmail account the gmass open rate has dropped by 20-30%.
GMASS Open Rate Decline Since Installing Hubspot Plug In to Gmail
@JLaugharne7 the gmail extension for HubSpot wouldn't interfere at all with your ability to send emails or reach your recipients.
When you use the extension, there is a bcc address added that allows the log/track functionality to work - since you're not using this option, it is really only acting as a shortcut to your CRM from Gmail.
The more likely cause is that you don't have your DKIM, DMARC, and/or SPF propertly setup for Gmail/GMASS.
While those changes go into effect officially today, many "beta" features were available to users which could impact your results over the last few weeks.
If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.
GMASS Open Rate Decline Since Installing Hubspot Plug In to Gmail
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for your reply, appreciated 🙂
I have long been aware of the changes that came into effect today and have not been overly concerned as my DKIM, SPF DMARK records were all configured correctly some time ago and I have enjoyed great open rates since then.
I dont completly discount that the drop off could be related to the new Gmail changes but it is only since the day that I started using Hubspot (4days ago) that the issue arose, which wouldnt allign with a "few weeks" of BETA and the specificy of the use of HS and the drop off on gmass opens seem either an extraordinary coinsidence or somehow related.
But I'm not a techie and I appreciate all thoughts and advice so thank you again.
GMASS Open Rate Decline Since Installing Hubspot Plug In to Gmail
hmm interesting - can you check the email headers for the different emails, those sent before HS was added, during, and after removing to see if there's anything in the header that might flag a difference for the Email Service Providers?
If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.