Gmail Sales Extension


Extension Crashing randomly




Everything was working fine until last night. Nothing was changed today. When trying to send an email through Gmail, the right side HS extension window disappears upon opening compose window and entering a HS contact. Here is a video reproducing the error: 


I also have the Chrome Log & can share upon request.

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Extension Crashing randomly


Hi @Omair 


Thank you for your reply.


I just checked and I can see our team is actively working on a fix for this issue and you will be updated through your support ticket from our technical support as soon as there is news on this. 


Thank you for your patience and understanding on this. 

Have a good day, 


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Extension Crashing randomly


I'm experiencing the same issue, have you found a fix for it? 

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Extension Crashing randomly


Hi @AHofmann 


Thank you for reaching out. 


The original issue has been fixed since then so this should be due to something else.


Would you mind trying to clear your cache following those steps, as well as trying with another browser and with an incognito window? 


Could you also try uninstalling and reinstalling the extension? 


Thank you!



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Extension Crashing randomly


Since 21st November when I initially came across this bug/error & requested HS Support for a fix, I have been being told to wait with no results so far. We are unable to use the Hubspot Sales Extension on Chrome at all as it crashes immediately as you open email from any contact in HS.


This has made HS completely useless to us as we use it 90% within Gmail.


Is anybody else facing the same issue with Hubspot Sales Chrome Extension?


I am really disappointed in the way Hubspot is treating this issue & taken so long for what should be a quick fix with API timing out / 404 error.

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Extension Crashing randomly


Hi @Omair 


Thank you for your reply.


I just checked and I can see our team is actively working on a fix for this issue and you will be updated through your support ticket from our technical support as soon as there is news on this. 


Thank you for your patience and understanding on this. 

Have a good day, 


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Extension Crashing randomly


Any assistance? Or has this been adandoned?

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Extension Crashing randomly


Hi @Omair 


Thank you for reaching out. 


I would recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support, as Support is included in your subscription and they will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share screenshots, your video, and further information about each the matter you mentioned here. I'd recommend sending them the log as well. 


Thank you!
Have a lovely day,

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