Getting Started on the Community

Por: Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hi! I'm Hollis, the Ideas Forum Manager!

Hello HubSpot Community! 


My name is Hollis. I'm the new Ideas Forum Manager! It's my job to make sure the Ideas Forum remains a friendly, productive environment for HubSpot enthusiasts to post feature requests (called Ideas) and to pass feedback to our Product Team. Your Ideas and feedback help us build the best HubSpot possible.


HubSpot has thousands of enthusiastic users, so as you can imagine, the Ideas Forum receives a lot of feedback. Generally speaking, the more upvotes an Idea has, the higher chance it'll be considered for development (we use upvotes as a measure of interest). Not every Idea will receive enough upvotes to be considered for development, and not every Idea that is considered will pass our development and testing process. However, we encourage you to continue to advocate for yourself on the forum.


Thanks to the Ideas posted by HubSpot users, the Ideas Forum has been the birthplace of some of HubSpot’s most beloved and powerful features. I’d like to ensure it is the source of many more!


I’m greatly looking forward to working with all of you!




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