abr 24, 20237:36 AM - editado mai 10, 20234:42 AM
Opt-in for non marketing contacts - subscription confirmation
Hello Hubspot Team,
In my team we want to get the opt-in for everyone in our data base that hasn't given consent to receive marketing emails.
Currently, the workflow we created is this one - where the enrollment trigger we have is for everyone that has not opted into the subscription types. Would that work?
In the enrollment trigger we are using the subscription types as the enrolment criteria, but Im not sure if that is ok. Because for example people that convert via Ads, they are included in our marketing emails as they gave consent in a implicit way, but they havent confirmed their preferences, so I guess they would be enrolled in the workflow, but they dont need to because we can already market them.
Contacts that fit the enrollment criteria, will get the email you see in the screenshot , where we ask to confirm their subscription with the link "subscription confirmation". What page do users see when they click on the link? Does it work if instead of inserting the link "subscription confirmation" we use the link "subscription preferences"? If they confirm their preferences, does it also count that they confirm to opt-in, and will therefore get our marketing emails?
I highly appreciate your feedback and if our current process works, or if there is another optimal way of doing it.
Opt-in for non marketing contacts - subscription confirmation
Hi @mayalaraineri great question! The workflow you have set up looks perfect to me, as this will ensure you don't accidentally enroll anyone who has previously opted out.
The subscription preferences page features a name and description of each subscription type defined in your email settings. Users can choose which type of email communications they want to receive from your organization or unsubscribe from all communications on this page. If you have multiple subscription types that would would like them to opt into, this option may be more suitable.
The subscription confirmation page confirms that HubSpot has received a request to update communication preferences for a visitor. I'd recommend using this if you just have one subscription type, as this will mke their user experience easier (since they will only have to click once to confirm their subscription!).
I hope this helps 🙂
Katie Townsend - Acquisition Consultant at BBD Boom
Basically, wether our contacts confirm their subscription type with the link "subscription preferences" or confirm their subscription with the link "subscription confirmation" they both count as opt-in? We can use both to get their consent and send them marketing emails?
We changed the workflow a bit and now it looks like this:
And they get this email to confirm their preferences:
When clicking in the CTA "Select topics" they go to this page:
Is it ok if we use a CTA/button to confirm their opt-in? Because I saw this in an article: