***The method described in this article will only work on HubSpot-hosted subdomains. External domains do not have authorization to access the Header/Footer in Settings from within HubSpot. However, the actual code from the article can be used on externally hosted domains. The styles would just need to be placed in the Headers/Footers of your templates in whichever CMS you use, or within the stylesheet there.***
With GDPR looming right around the corner, companies are all working toward getting everything in order. That means updating the Privacy Policy banner that will need to appear at the top of your site in order to notify visitors that your site uses cookies.
Where can you find the settings for this banner?
To get to the Privacy Policy section in your Settings go to your Avatar in the top right corner > Settings
Then go down to Reports and Analytics Tracking
If you have the New Navigation enabled go ahead to the Settings Icon, then to Reports and Analytics Tracking
New Nav
Once there, head over to the Cookie Policy tab. Here is where you’ll find all settings on cookies. You can change the banner text, the button text to accept the terms, and the disclaimer text, but there’s no place to change the actual style!
new cookies settings
UPDATE: With the new Reports Settings beta we can change the location of the banner as well as the colors, but not much more than this. The code below can still help customize your banner further.
Here is a screenshot of the new styling tab of the Reports Settings:
styling colors and position of banner
Hubspot’s default styling for the banner is great, but what if you want to customize its appearance to match your brand? Well, it’s not super obvious, but we can get around it using some CSS.
Here’s the default:
Default Privacy Policy BannerThe styling of this cookie banner automatically gets injected into the Head HTML (we can’t access this, however ), so what we can do is place it in the Footer.
But why the Footer, you say?
If you’re familiar with CSS and the cascade, if there are two identical declarations with the same specificity (which is what will happen in our case since we are going to overwrite the default), the declaration that comes last will “win out”.
So for this, we’d want to do this globally. So let's head over to the Marketing section of the Settings and go to Web Pages.
To modify the styling for All Domains, we should have All Domains setting selected:
All Domains
So to style the banner, here’s the boilerplate you’d need:
<style> /* Edit this section to change the main container of the banner */
div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation.can-use-gradients { code in here }
/* Edit this section to change the inner wrapper of the banner i.e. add more padding */
div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner { code in here }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the text */
div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner p { code in here }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the CONFIRM button */
div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner a#hs-eu-confirmation-button { code in here }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the DECLINE button */ div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner a#hs-eu-decline-button { code in here }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the CONFIRM button when hovering */
div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner a#hs-eu-confirmation-button:hover { code in here }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the DECLINE button when hovering */ div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner a#hs-eu-decline-button:hover { code in here }
Be aware, most of the declarations you make here are going to require CSS !important tags and will need to be placed inside of <style>code here</style> tags.
2. No examples here. The only fields that exist are the ones built into your Tracking Code Settings where you edit the copy and options for your privacy policy banner. We don't give flexible customization on this front.
<style> /* Edit this section to change the main container of the banner */ div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation.can-use-gradients { background: #050505; border-bottom: none; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px black; border-radius: 5px; }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the text */ div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner p { font-family: sans-serif!important; }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the CONFIRM button */ div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner a#hs-eu-confirmation-button { background: #cccccc!important; border: none!important; box-shadow: 2px 2px 1px black; font-family: sans-serif!important; transition: 0.2s ease; -webkit-transition: 0.2s ease; -moz-transition: 0.2s ease; -o-transition: 0.2s ease; -ms-transition: 0.2s ease; }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the CONFIRM button when hovering */ div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner a#hs-eu-confirmation-button:hover {box-shadow: 3px 3px 1px black; transition: 0.2s ease; -webkit-transition: 0.2s ease; -moz-transition: 0.2s ease; -o-transition: 0.2s ease; -ms-transition: 0.2s ease; }
/* Edit this section to change the style of the text */ div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner p { font-family: sans-serif!important; color: #ffffff; }
This is great info, thanks. I'm still having problems though shifting the accept button in the center of the div due to the 'text-align: right !important' on div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation div#hs-eu-cookie-confirmation-inner div#hs-en-cookie-confirmation-buttons-area. This keeps overriding any further customisation (ie text align: center;) I try to do, even when I put it in the footer. Any advice would be much appreciated!
Sorry @cbarley I have one more question - is it possible to change the layout of the cookie notice? ie move the confirm button to be in line with the text rather than beneath it? Thanks in advance!!
Sure @tommitchell , pretty much any layout you might want is possible with CSS. Making the container that holds the buttons to be displayed as inline-block rather than block should help:
I can't be sure if that's going to fix your particular issue, but the general idea is there. Would you mind creating a new post for any other questions you have please? I want to make this thread as relevant to the article as possible.
I have a question about this - not a visual change, but I want to have the banner with the HS cookie collection message that pops up on top of website when first enterting it - can it be uploaded with a 5 min delat? Is there a way to configure this?
Hey @cbarley ! I am a new UK Partner, digging deep into GDPR, and came across this post. Thank you.
I have a few questions if you have time...
1. Do you have any examples of the code you've shown being used as a 'pop up' or overlay on any sites? (And, is this possible to do?) 2. Do you have any examples where there is a more granular approach to acceptance e.g. a series of tick boxes for the various cookies?
Taking the example of a Wordpress site...
3. Even if the Hubspot code is implemented site wide, as I understand it, the custom code would need to be installed via Wordpress itself - if this is the case, would a person's contact record in Hubspot still reflect the state of their cookie preferences? (which is a great feature)
2. No examples here. The only fields that exist are the ones built into your Tracking Code Settings where you edit the copy and options for your privacy policy banner. We don't give flexible customization on this front.
thank you for the pop-up solution you gave in your first point. We'd appreciate it if this would be an option in the drop down menu of the notification type in the settings of the cookie notification style. A few of our customers wish to test this option but at the moment we have to involve a coder to get this done so it's very time-consuming and inconvenient for us. It would be great if we could do it ourselves by a few clicks.
Also, we urgently need flexible customization in the cookie policy settings which you talked about in your second point. According to https://datenschutz-generator.de/ we have to list all the cookies we use in detail and it must be possible to accept or disable every single one of them. We and our customers put emphasis on this and would resent to fall back on a 3rd party solution.
Best regards
Adriane Grunenberg HubSpot Automation and Digital Analytics Expert
Hello, I'd like to customise the font size on the data privacy & consent messages that HubSpot allows users to enabled on forms. Can someone please point me in the right direction?