I am helping a charity and have implemented HubSpot CRM and other free tools from HubSpot. We would like to send every contact an email showing them what information we hold on them so that they can correct the information if they wish to remain on the database. I am dissapointed that there is no mass mailing feature but I don't know if there is a feature that allows "Property" values to be displayed using an email template? If so it may be worth sending the emails one by one, but if not then we will send them using another platform. So long as the replies come to our email addresses we will have an audit trail.
Further research would indicate that you can do this with Tokens which is great. However, is it possible to use a Table in an email template as that would be the best format for this purpose?
An additional observation when testing. I added a property for "Contact Additional email addresses" and found that it did not pull in the additional email addresses that were present in the records. I therefore suspect this is a bug.