Does the "__hs_do_not_track" cookie block anonymous data?
Does setting the __hs_do_not_track cookie block anonymous data collected by the "ptq.gif" tracking pixel and scripts loaded by forms (
Does the "__hs_do_not_track" cookie block anonymous data?
Hey @theAndreyK no, according to this post ptq.gif will still track anoymous page views if tracking is blocked. is being phased out for webinteractives but both still don't load tracking data. They load forms/CTAs/pop-ups. Tracking is all pulled from the master tracking script. So these will still load their assets if do not track is enabled as they are not tracking scripts.
Tom Mahon Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion Baskey Digitial
Does the "__hs_do_not_track" cookie block anonymous data?
Hey @theAndreyK no, according to this post ptq.gif will still track anoymous page views if tracking is blocked. is being phased out for webinteractives but both still don't load tracking data. They load forms/CTAs/pop-ups. Tracking is all pulled from the master tracking script. So these will still load their assets if do not track is enabled as they are not tracking scripts.
Tom Mahon Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion Baskey Digitial
Does the "__hs_do_not_track" cookie block anonymous data?
Hey @theAndreyK I don't work for HubSpot so wouldn't be able to say, I just know the scripts they've used. I'm not aware of any opt out available to the script loader scripts. HubSpot doesn't publicly list it's scripts loaded through the script loaders or dependencies for functionality scripts, so it's unlikely they've officially announced a script change.
It looks like you're a partner though I'd definitely recomend reaching out to your partner manager or HS support to check on that!
Tom Mahon Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion Baskey Digitial