Jul 11, 20214:16 PM - edited Aug 12, 20218:59 AM
HubSpot Employee
What's the right frequency for sending emails?
In order to build trust and further engage your audience, you need to send the right information at the right time. Keeping this in mind, what's your recommendation on a successful frequency for sending marketing emails? Please elaborate as to why you recommend this in your response.
I agree simply because that is what I personally like. I don't like a lot of emails in the same week from the same company. Once a week will keep you top of mind without being annoying.
In terms of frequency, it depends on the segment of contacts. It is important to let each segment know what they expect to receive and how often. Once a month is always a good idea!
it all depends on the content of the email. Some subscribers would love a weekly update of sales, promotions or deals. Some customers may want to be the first to know about these specials, so emails can be sent as soon as deals come out. This can be daily or even twice a day. And of course, some businesses offer a monthly newsletter offering updates or a compilation of what's taking place in the organisation. In every case, though, the recipient should have agreed to the frequency of emails sent.
It depends on the recepients interest and the content you are offering to them. Keep in mind that in marketing you are not selling the exact product, but rather you are selling a solution of a certain problem. So your content should focus on stories or graphics that is showing the benefit of having the product, just make sure that these content are interesting so that whoever receives the email will take time to open and read email. And if you have this kind of content on your email, then I think it would be effective and it will generate more enagement if you send it once a week.
It depends on the content and context of the e-mail, but for starts I say from 24 to 72 hours to answer and/or resend an e-mail. (In case you don't receive a proper answer)
My business is running a vegetarian cafe. For me, it would be good to send weekly emails to my customers to update them on educational information about vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. And if the cafe is launching any new menu, we can inject into the emails at probably once a month.
Likely once a month might be a good gauge to start with. You dont want them to keep hearing from you if they are not really the ones using the services. Parents of students who are attening class with you.
The frequency of sending e-mails should be based on the goal of your e-mail campaign. For example, in my opinion, a newsletter should be sent once a week. However, you can also notify your customers about new products, a new blog or a collaboration via e-mail one time a week. It should be treated very carefully in a way that you are not 'spamming' the customer. Furthermore, the content in the e-mail should be relevant to the customer.
In terms of frequency, I think it depends on the business, and like the video said, customer expectations. If I sign up for a retail outlet, I "expect" to see frequent emails about sales, new products, etc. If businesses make it clear in their "welcome emails" about the frequency and what to expect, it won't be too much of a shock for subscribers.
I have found success with emailing prospects no more than once per month for a given product group or service. Focusing on a specific group of items. I might rotate a few different service every few months. I have found that we start getting replys and inquiries for projects and quotes after roughly 6-9 months of doing this.