Email Marketing

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Analysis starts with first accepting that perfection is not the goal. Emails might underperform, and that’s okay! When you’re doing consistent analysis, you can work toward improving and providing the most valuable experience for your contacts. Keeping this in mind, what's one email metric you'd like to improve (and why)?


*To learn more about this, check out the Analyzing Your Marketing Emails lesson via HubSpot Academy. 

448 Replies 448

What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Clickthrough Rate, getting them to take the desired action.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

I am looking for the click through rate also.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

The most important metric I will strive on continually improving would have to be my OPEN RATE. 


The goal of almost every email marketing is to convert and sell product or services to customers.

But, they won't be conversions if there are no interests.

Creating interest is important and can be made possible considerably if the SUBJECT LINE and PREVIEW is catchy or showcases enough value or needs of the potential customer.


So, before diving into CTR and finally ROI the most important metric to me is the OPEN RATE since it is the beginning of the journey and hence should be made unique and value rich.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

One email metric that I'm working to improve is the click-through rate (CTR). The reason is that a higher CTR indicates that the email content and call-to-action are compelling and engaging for recipients. By focusing on improving this metric, I aim to provide a more valuable experience for my contacts, encouraging them to take action and further engage with the content I offer. While perfection may not be attainable, consistent analysis and efforts to enhance the CTR can lead to better email performance and ultimately achieve my goals of delivering valuable content to my audience.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

For the website I have, initially, it is clickthrough rate for sign-ups.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Overall, the focus should always be on the ROI since it's the final and most important metric to see the results of your email marketing and other marketing mediums that you had placed. To see if it works in harmony.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Real-life scenario

Around late last year, my first email marketing job was on the Fiverr platform where I needed to send a constructive email to my client's contact list. After sending those Email sequences, I checked days after to see the progress under statistics. The Open rate was extremely poor compare to the list volume, when people failed to open, how will they prompt to click on the link inside the email body? Impossible! 


This course really enlighten me and open my eyes to the past mistakes that I made as far as email marketing is concerned. Remember, I once said I developed my email technical skills from YouTube but I don't have the basic knowledge. Basic knowledge is what I'm undergoing now. 


My own email metric to optimize and improve which can lead to the CTR of my marketing campaign as well as conversion rate is OPEN RATE which my email body must comprise all the email layouts and must be in alignment with the subject line, preview text, and content of the email. This should also be what upcoming email marketers should hold as the simplest priority. 



What's one email metric you're working to improve?

whats one email matric you're working to improve?

this will be the overall email channel and the reason is, since I get to no how well my email is doing out there in the market, I will focus on why the readers who didn't open or click took that action, why they did what they did, Why?


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Open rate 


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

La tasa de apertura 


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

It would be the open rate.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

When analyzing, the first thing you need to check is your open rate. If you're not having a good amount of open rate, then you need to revisit your subject line or check other reasons why contacts are not opening the email.


If you're done with the open rate. Then you can focus on click rates to see how to improve them 


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

The open rate is the percentage of recipients who open your email, and it is an important indicator of how engaging your subject line and overall email content are. A low open rate can indicate that your subject line needs improvement, or that your email content is not resonating with your audience. To improve your open rate, you can experiment with different subject lines, segment your email list to target specific audiences, and make sure your content is valuable and relevant to your recipients.

What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Conversion to website time.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

One email metric I'd like to improve is click-through rate (CTR).

As we know, CTR measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within the email, indicating their engagement and interest in the content.

By improving CTR, I can gauge the effectiveness of the email content, call-to-action (CTA), and overall engagement.

It helps to identify areas for improvement, optimize the email campaigns, and provide a more valuable experience to the contacts, ultimately driving higher conversions and achieving the marketing goals.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

The goal of our marketing campaign is to remind our partners of our services. Thus, our emails have been designed to serve as a catalog to inform them of our innovations.

It is not that important for them to click through our CTAs. Just consistently opening our emails will be enough.

Open rates should then be monitored and improved, and we should always worry about unsubscribes.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

I'm also new to this but I would say that all of the email metrics should be analyze to determine how your email channel is performing.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

I'm still getting started in digital martketing and email marketing is where I'm interested about. I think analyzing is where would I'm trying to focus first so that I can create an action to what is needed.


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Analyzing and understanding as i am new to this feild. 


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Open rates. This is because I want more users to engage with my content and actually click on the CTA


What's one email metric you're working to improve?

Open rates. This is because I want more users to engage with my content and actually click on the CTA