Is there a way to keep the structure of multi-line property content, when using in a marketing email as token?
We store customer request in a customer property (multi-line text). This request sometimes includes list items, sections, ... I want to keep when reply to customer, including the original message.
The structure is still avaiable in the propery but gets lost when used in token.
I'm afraid this doesn't currently seem to be possible with marketing emails - you used to be able to kind of hack around it using a <pre> tag, but I think even that doesn't work anymore. All formatting tags are stripped from the token. Unless you have a standard format which you could pre-process in a HUBL block looking for certain sub-strings to ascertain the structure (which it sound like you don't) then I think you're probably out of luck.
I'm afraid this doesn't currently seem to be possible with marketing emails - you used to be able to kind of hack around it using a <pre> tag, but I think even that doesn't work anymore. All formatting tags are stripped from the token. Unless you have a standard format which you could pre-process in a HUBL block looking for certain sub-strings to ascertain the structure (which it sound like you don't) then I think you're probably out of luck.