Email Marketing Tool

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iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Hey folks,


So the iOS 15 changes are out in the wild and I thought it was best to start a fresh thread to give everyone a place to ask questions, help each other, and share their experiences.



Tom Monaghan

Director of Product for Email

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HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Some thoughts on how to think about Suppression in an Apple Mail Privacy Protection world.


First off, thanks for all of your comments, questions and participation in this thread.  We appreciate your input and feedback about this change from Apple.


In 2016 we added Sends Since Last Engagement (SSLE) and its related feature, Graymail Suppression, in an attempt to make a task that had been very difficult for most folks, that is list hygiene, much easier.  While neither feature was perfect, they did accomplish what we set out to do.


As you might expect, Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection has changed the way these features work, but probably not in the way you expect.  In this post I’m going to share some more details on how things work and what changes we’re going to make in the product.


A little bit about Bot Filtering.


There are security vendors who primarily play in the enterprise space that have been doing this “open every email and click every link” thing for a while now.  In fact, we’ve had an option to filter these so called “Bot Opens” in your portal’s settings since 2017 and it’s been defaulted to on for as long as I’ve known (see: Tracking & Analytics > Advanced Tracking and find the checkbox for “Bot filtering”).


Well as it turns out, our system is good, maybe too good, and it is correctly categorizing Apple iOS 15 opens as if they were from bots (because they are) and filtering them out automatically if you have this feature enabled.  Note: for Apple iOS 15 events, this does not filter clicks, unsubscribes, or spam reports, only opens.  While this prevents all the “false” opens from skewing your results, it also prevents you from having complete results.  


Here’s a simple example:  Presently about 10% of the traffic we’re seeing is being opened with Apple iOS 15 devices.  So if you send to 1,000 recipients and have Bot Filtering enabled, you’ll only see opens from about 900 recipients - all of the folks who are not using Apple iOS 15 devices with Mail Privacy Protection enabled.  But we do not actively remove sent events, so in effect, your open rate, in this example will actually appear to go down over time, though we believe the true activity has not changed.


So what happens if you enable check “Suppress my unengaged contacts” when you send?


If you have Bot Filtering enabled and suppress unengaged contacts, our system will not know if the contacts opening on an iOS 15 device are actually opening your mail.  In this case, after 14 messages, if there are no clicks or opens on other device types, and if this Bot filtering checkbox remains checked, our system will suppress contacts that may actually be engaging with Apple iOS 15 devices.


What if you don’t enable Bot Filtering in your portal?


If Bot Filtering is disabled in your HubSpot portal, our systems will report any open that we see from Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection system as a normal open.  The challenge in this case is that we will be unable to distinguish between a “true” open where the person actually opened your email and a “false” open where Apple is doing the opening on their behalf and then serving up the content from Apple’s own servers if and when that person decides to open the email.  In either case, the events look exactly the same, though there do seem to be some edge cases that I won’t exhaustively go into here.


So what should you do?


This is honestly a tough question to answer and it depends on what you’re trying to optimize for. Each has risks and potential unintended consequences.  Proceed with caution and care.


If you’re trying to optimize for list size and are not worried about triggering automations with lists filled with contacts that are added due to opens that might not be real, then you can periodically shut off Bot Filtering and deselect Suppress unengaged contacts when you’re emailing.  This will allow you to recapture those Apple iOS 15 opens for any send that occurs when the bot filtering setting is disabled.  So when Apple does their Mail Privacy Protection thing, you’ll receive the opens for contacts who would have otherwise been captured by our bot filtering and shown as unengaged.  But keep in mind, you will get all of the Apple folks who are not actually opening too.  As I said above, proceed with caution!


If you really want to make sure that you have very high confidence that those opens are truly opens, leave your Bot Filtering on and continue to suppress your unengaged contacts but really drive towards clicks as a new form of engagement.  Find reasons for anything from social likes to upvotes, or article views or regular old CTAs, but get those clicks!  Even if they are on iOS 15 with Mail Privacy Protection, we’ll know there’s an open when we see the click.


What is HubSpot going to do?


We’re continuing to work on filtering and identification systems for bots and other non-human opens.  We’re also working on different reporting filtering options to enable you to better understand what is happening with your data.  We understand that right now this is not easy and we are working to make it better.  Finally, we’re working on other ways to measure engagement that are not just opens.  While opens were certainly great, their time has passed.  They’ve long since been a directional metric at best, but now, they’re really just not all that accurate. 

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iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Thanks for sharing that resource, @BérangèreL 😊


@CHeckel welcome to the Community! I didn't see any new update, but I'm continuing to encourage clients to find other metrics to measure. Clicks, replies, meetings... more meaningful and measurable than just opens. 


Hope you find a solution! 


Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


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iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


@ibatt Thanks, these detailed steps were easy for me to follow, and I can export the Apple Mail contacts for segmenting separately. Let us know if you recommend anything else.

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iOS 15 - let’s talk about it




It would be great to be able to determine the number of contacts who use the Apple iOS email client as well so we can determine how much this will impact our database.  While individual email analytics displays the percentage of opens per email client, we'd like to understand how many of our contacts use this email client.  




iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Hi @IsabelleW, this can be done in Reports > Reports. Connect two data sources (Contacts & Marketing Emails). Then change browse to "Marketing email" and select "Open emails" under the "Marketing email events" selection. The "Opened emails properties" will have the browser identifiers you're looking for.

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iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Okay great, I will try this out!  Thanks! 


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Hi Tom, 


Thanks for the heads up on the impact of Apple's iOS15 changes on email marketing. Thanks also for the checklist.


 Can the checklist be available in a downloadable format? That way Hubspot users can always refer to it. 




iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


While much of the conversation has focused on the impacts to email marketing so far, I'm wondering how Hubspot users will work around the "Hide My Email" feature where visitors will be able to provide a fake email to your form or chatbot. Many of us rely on knowing the actual email address and domain of the lead to determine qualification, track engagement, and enrich the CRM records with Hubspot Insights or other additional data. Here's the description if you haven't seen it. 


  • Hide My Email (within iCloud+): An email address-cloaking feature that enables users to give sites a "fake" email address. While promotional emails sent from the brand to the fake address will still go to someone's inbox and shouldn't impact important communication, brands will not be able to see the person's real address unless the contact shares it.

iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


@amandafann  I don't think this will work.  Apple will probably scan the database before accepting the email. This sounds like a really fast way to burn your sending IP address. 


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


@MMArketing5  Not sure I understand, what is it that you don't think will work? My question is trying to figure out how inbound marketers will be able to address when visitors enter one of the "fake" email addresses from Apple's Hide My Email icloud+ into your website form or chat coversatios.


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


@amandafann I think you are missing the bigger picture. Having a javascript or snipped of code that will look for the iCloud variable will not change the fact that if that client has its inbox IMAP or pop3 to the iPhone Email app, this is even if the customer is using the clients such as Google, Yahoo, etc. your email camping will still bring false data. 

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iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


And, to our Hubspot friends, please take a lead on this, as this is a stick we will get beaten with when it comes to long term platform selection.

Does anyone have a number on e.g. %/# of 18+ Apple Mail users in the US, UK?


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


I personally would like to see HubSpot provide:

  1. Option to pre-segment by email client, when known, similar to the IP Time Zone property. 
  2. Filtered reporting on open rate (accounting for iOS 15 + server security activity). Bolster our confidence in HubSpot reporting. Yes, if we need to de-prioritize opens, then redesign the Performance report. Help us optimize.
  3. A related improvement — Filtered reporting on clicks (accounting for server security activity that is common on corporate email servers). Other services implemented this. HubSpot, as seer of all data, can make assumptions about what clicks are automated and what aren't, right?


Partner/Integrate with a service that is laser-focused on email performance/has a strategic vision around how to optimize the email channel, and make it easy for us to use them alongside HubSpot.

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iOS 15 - let’s talk about it



Partner/Integrate with a service that is laser-focused on email performance/has a strategic vision around how to optimize the email channel, and make it easy for us to use them alongside HubSpot."


Hi @vanessa2 - If you'd be open to a conversation regarding your comment above, we'd love to understand more.  Reason I ask is this is exactly what we do here at Seventh Sense (maniaclly focussed on driving better results through your email channel using AI).  The system is also natively integrated with HubSpot and the workflows tool.  Here's a link to our  HubSpot App Marketplace listing if you'd like to take a look.  Additionally, long ago, we had forsight into mobile opens and how bad of a signal it was to begin with, so is already baked into what our system does.  Let me know if you'd like to chat.  mike[at]


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Sorry to need clarification on this - but does this only impact contacts who are using Apple as their email provider, or does it affect all contacts who are using an Apple device to access their mail (such as Gmail, etc.)? Thank you.

Key Advisor

iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


@KatyH Yes, this will effect anyone that uses or even just configures their email account through Apple Mail.  Now imagine this.  At one time a person configures their work, gmail, yahoo, aol, etc etc account in Apple Mail. BUT they don't actually use Apple Mail or use it infrequently, but use an app or access their mail via their work computer. Now, since that account was configured to use Apple Mail, it will still conform to and use the settings of that previous setup..... 


Remember that Apple Mail is constantly checking to see if mail was delivered and if so, will enact the security profile, for that user..... 




iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Hi KatyH, it affects people who use the iOS application “Mail” ( on their iOS device. It is not exclusive to email addresses. So this change affects people who:

  1. use
  2. on iOS 15 or later
  3. who opt in to Mail Privacy Protection.

Yes, that includes gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc, and can include corporate domains as well. This message will appear when they first open the app…I assume more people will opt to "Protect Mail activity."Screen Shot 2021-09-29 at 1.38.05 PM.png


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


@KatyH This is an email client specific feature, so a bit of a mix of what you said. It applies to contacts who use Apple Mail (the app) as their email client. So I may use my (at)gmail email address on my iPhone in the Gmail App (email client), and as a result this feature doesn't apply. But if I choose to use Apple Mail as my email client, it will. You can see the breakdown of contacts in email reporting on a specific send. It's under the chart for "Opens by email client"


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Thank you!


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


One interesting observation we've used is that typically the false positive open occurs at the same time the email is sent and probably 99% or more of the time that's what it is. When the email is opened after that, we see that as the actual first open.


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Hi Tom - would like to know how HS is going to handle - 1) greymail - thoughts on how to handle?   2) measuring email health - right now you have open rates as part of the metric which seems like a false positive today and it will only get worse as time goes on 3) can we measure readability scale and use that as a trigger  - so open and read vs open and skimmed? (it is better than nothing and I realize that CTR is good too). Thank you.


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


Just want to make sure we understand the full impact for not just marketing, but for sales.  I'm assuming the 'recent sales email open date' property would get impacted because of IOS pre-loading sales and marketing emails. So the recent date might be updated because of the IOS pre-load rather than them actually opening the email.  Is this correct?


iOS 15 - let’s talk about it


I had this question also - does this impact both Sales and Marketing emails?