Good morning everyone, I sent a newsletter to all my marketing contacts, and now when analyzing the feedback details, I see that a group of users unsubscribed. However, the contact is still specified as 'marketing' in the properties. How can I ensu read more
It used to be library files - but now when i click library I get templates/meeting scheduler/documents/playbook/snippets and my images are not in any of those? Live chat says they dont know to post here?
Hi @DMcManus1 ,
I don't know why it has been removed from the navigation but you can access it via this link: more
Is there a way to edit code on the fly? For example: in the Marketo email editor there's a button on the top right that lets you open up the code and then see the results of any edits after saving. I ask because I'm getting this warning when pu read more
Hi @jdv123 ,
It's pretty much like this notice says: While you can edit the source code of some elements within the email editor, you might more
When sending emails using the Email Marketing Tool instead of displaying my email address it is displaying so when a contact tries to reply they get an error message from the e read more
We have a blog on Wordpress and we want to setup RSS to to email. The issue we are facing is that the thumbnail is not available to external RSS feeds
Can anyone suggest a workaround?
We are open to recreating our blog in read more
Hey @mrspabs , thank you for posting in our Community!
If you're open to recreating your blog in HubSpot, you could use HubSpot's blog more
I have created an email for automation that requires a custom footer for compliance information. The system doesn't recognise it as a footer, despite using the "edit footer" dialogue. When I try to start from scratch, it will only recognise read more
@ktraver that's a Marketing Hub Enterprise feature (don't shoot the messenger). more
For context: We are new users, currently on the Starter Customer Platform. -- Question : How can we create an unsubscribe link for a specific subscription type in the footer of our emails? -- We have 4 subscription types setup, 2 of which are read more
Hi Hubspot, I have four contacts in my Hubspot CRM that have been added as Non-marketing cotnacts by mistake (I forgot to tick the marketing contact box when adding them). How do I change them back to marketing contacts (and yes I have permi read more
Motns ago, I was recommended to use the HubSpot free email signature tool. The system has an image stored in the system I use for my signature. I'm logged into the HubSpot online WebUI/Control Panel, but for the life of me, I cannot find how to nav read more
Hi @WqiFJ3EQkSPSfdg in free accounts, Files are hidden in the nav - not sure why, my assumption is that most free users are loading images, etc. more
We have our marketing emails set to be sent from the contact owner (personalization token) with the reply-to address as the contact owners' address (personalization token). If we have deactivated users that have contacts that are receiving marketing read more
Hi @alexagatiss ,
You should definitely reassign records 🙂 " The user will be unassigned from conversations and assets, as well as removed more
Hello, I sent a marketing email to 300 people, one of them just switched jobs and his email address didn't work. I'm trying to resend to his new email address but hubspot won't let me do it, mentioning "preventing repeated recipient". How can I sen read more
Hi @LMargherita ,
Your best option here would be to clone the entire email and then send it again to the updated contacts. (I agree that this more