I cannot find this anywhere on HubSpot Knowledge Base or in the community. When I try to set my Contacts's marketing status (to a non-marketing status), the options are not available. I've looked at all of these: https://knowledge.hubspo read more
Hi @SBlevins ,
Which subscription level are you currently on? https://knowledge.hubspot.com/account/manage-your-hubspot-subscription#find-you...read more
Hi All, Attempting to create some simple emails to send to our member list, and am completely unable to use the tools here. Starts to load up, and the UI stays grayed-out, and the "preview" doesn't load and shows the sad page icon. I hav read more
Every time I want to uncheck the checkbox next to "Use this as my reply-to address", it prompts me to an upgrade page and doesn't allow me to check or uncheck the box. Went through the knowledge base and couldn't figure out what's happened. Currentl read more
Hi @K_Mokws ,
A custom reply-to email address is a Marketing Hub Professional / Enterprise feature. The lock indicates that you don't have the...read more
Hi, I want to send emails to customers that displays all add-on services they purchased from us, along with the respective 'get started' guides for each of the services. We have 12 total add-on services. If they didn't purchase any add-on, the email read more
Hi, Using API, is it possible to fetch the email open rate of specific recipient? Context: I'm trying to integrate HubSpot API to our app and I'm trying to check how many emails were sent to a recipient and how many of these emails are opened/read read more
I am using WordPress for my XPMatters and HubSpot as my CRM. I do mostly one-to-one marketing at this point and want to track clicks and opens with my emails. HubSpot is currently replacing my URLs in one-to-one emails with "https://dxs7rh0 read more
Hi @KWhite37 thanks for sharing your question with the community, I'm happy to help as much as possible.
Since your website is hosted on Word...read more
I am creating a workflow with 9 different flows, each containing 8 drip emails sent at a one-week interval, making it an 8-week plan. This results in a total of 72 emails across all flows. To get started, we plan to launch the workflow with the fir read more
Hi @PMishra16 ,
The important concept to understand here is enrollment: as long as a record is still within a workflow and as long as they sti...read more
How do we enroll a list of customers to receive a series of automated marketing emails as part of a workflow that triggers customized product recommendations pulled from our backend inventory/web service / product system?
Hey there @aujosh84 and welcome to the Community. With the recommendations from @BérangèreL you should have the tools you need for this. Here's a...read more
I built a workflow with the enrollment trigger being the contacts are in a specific import (See below, name of import removed, 9 contacts total). The next step was delay until 2/4 at 10:00AM, then deploy a survey email. However, despite the workflow read more
Hi @alyssa_CTD ,
Have you checked the workflow actions log to see if the contacts enrolled and whether there were errors? https://knowledge.h...read more
Hello, I have generally read that activity data can be pulled from Mailchimp to HubSpot. I understand that this is best done via an app marketplace connection between the two systems. If we're sunsetting Mailchimp, can we connect and see Mai read more
@sammijune - Adding a bit more context here about the information I've gathered since. I will update once I have integrated or imported data to giv...read more
When setting up double opt-in email for subscriptions we selected a page/landing page to which the user will be redirected from the email. We created a custom page based on our own template, and are unsuccessfully trying to get the user's email to read more
Thanks for the input! We're using our own *HubSpot* custom page template. I tried using variables like {{ contact.email }} but it's not showing anyth...read more