Hello, I am a new hubspot user. I added a user (part of my team) in my account to manage only some contacts. I don't want this user to see emails that don't belong to his list. In the admin parameters, I configurated the email permissions read more
Hi Christophe, It seems like you're trying to ensure proper visibility restrictions in HubSpot for team members based on ownership of contacts. ...read more
When an email address with a plus sign in it is passed as part of a url parameter from a marketing email, Hubspot urlencodes it as a space, not as a plus sign. While I recognize a plus sign is commonly used to indicate a space as part of a url, when read more
I ended up writing a bit of javascript for the header of our landing pages that replaces the incorrect url encoding with the correct url encoding in ...read more
This may seem an outlandish question, but I was curious if there is a way to insert a file as a personalization token? For example a file (pdf) linked to a corresponding sales rep.
Hi @MJimenez221 ,
If you store the link to a file in a single-line text property, yes. If you're referring to the file property type, them n...read more
Good day, I am noticing that some contacts are not receiving our emails, and they appear in the not sent category of recipients, with the mention Other . However, in their profile, they are not showing as being opted-out, but when vie read more
Hi @JLetellier
Just adding to @karstenkoehler 's points, "unsubscribed from all" and unsubscribed from a specific subscription type are two...read more
Hello, Today, I sent my first mass email using Hubspot, with an explosive hard bounce rate of almost *13%* and zero soft bounces. My sentout was canceled after sending to the first 200 contacts. I am curious to know what happened. I used the conta read more
Hi @GSoares , A 20% decay rate over that period is high but not unheard of, especially if the list hadn't been cleaned recently. Another reaso...read more
Hello, How do you target contacts based on how many miles away they are from a given location? Targetting by country or city will not work. HS Support told me this feature is not built into HubSpot, so I'm wondering what the community does to acco read more
Use of Python in a workflow step requires Ops Hub Pro. One way I have set this up is to determine a base location, then assign a property inside each...read more
Hi - I’ve noticed that the email logs are missing contact information on the first and last names. Could you please let me know how I can retrieve this information?
When going to the Actions button there is no option to make a contact inactive. Has anyone else experienced that? I can't go to filters wither and select active vs inactive. Is this a limitation of a free account?
Hi @CTimblin6 ,
This is not a default functionality – someone in your portal created a custom property 'Active/Inactive'. That's why it's not ...read more
As we are exploring other CRM tool options, we canceled our Hubspot subscription (Sales and Marketing Hub) because it became too expensive for startups. I wondered what would happen to all existing contact and deal information after the subscriptio read more
Hey @AMerkulovs When you move to the free plan in HubSpot after your subscription ends the free account will be automatically deleted after 12...read more
I enabled Double opt-in and GDPR. Created 2 forms with a consent checkbox for a specific Subscription type: Form 1, subscription type 1 Form 2, subscription type 2 Open form 1, set the check box, submit Get confirmation email, confirm. User c read more
Hi @EFilatov ,
Correct - the email confirmation in HubSpot is in that sense universal and applies to all subscription types. It is more a gene...read more
I have a workflow that did not send some emails to people that are unsubscribed today. These are people that asked to be in this workflow via emailing me last week. This is an operational email. How do I remedy this? I have removed the Email Opt Ou read more
Hi @JohnWayne ,
There's a big update on this topic! If your contacts ask you to receive emails, even though previously unsubscribed, you can c...read more
I see two properties in my database that seem to indicate the same thing but wanted to double-check. Property 1: Email Subscription Status Property 2: Communication Subscriptions The first lets me select opt-in or opt-out. The second lets read more
Hi @pahy96 ,
Can you share a screenshot of these properties? They sound like custom properties in which case they're not necessarily linked to...read more