Email Marketing Tool


Tracking Open and Click Rates in Google Sheets

I have just becaome aware of an integration between Google Sheets and Hubspot. But I'm trying to understand it's capabilities. 


Right now we manually enter in all the Marketing Emails we send into a Google Sheet that has the headers something like this: 
1. Date Sent

2. Email Name

3. Audience

4. Open Rate

5. Click Through Rate 

6. Subject Line

7. Primary CTAs

8. Link to Email 


We do all of this manually, which is totally fine, but we are trying to figure out if there is a way to automate these columns with this integration. 


All that I can see so far about the integration is from the Contact Property level, not the Marketing Email Tracking level.


Is there something I am missing here? 


I would love any insight anyone has on this integration. 



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Tracking Open and Click Rates in Google Sheets

Hi @Anicklow,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community! 


This is currently isn't possible as marketing emails aren't considered an object record. This is a great suggestion though 🙂  I would highly recommend you to submit this as a new feature in the Ideas Forum here


The HubSpot Sheets Integration is based on an actual individual object record in HubSpot, such as contacts, tickets, deals, or companies. For example, if a ticket is enrolled in a ticket-based workflow, the fields for that ticket record will be sent across to a Google Sheet.


I would also like to invite our subject matter experts to see if they have any ideas about how you could automatically send marketing email metrics to an external doc or system.

Hi @albertsg@Teun@ChrisoKlepke - Do you have any suggestions for @Anicklow?

Thank you!




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