Email Marketing Tool


Simple Smiley Face Survey


I want to create an email with a simple "smiley face" survey. What is the best way to go about this? All I want is a smiley face for satisfied and a frowny face for disatisfied...once they click on one it alerts us to proceed the workflow if they are satisfied and if disatisfied we are told to call them. I know how to set up the workflow just need the best way to create the easily clicked smiley faces and for it to alert me. Thanks.

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Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Diamante

Simple Smiley Face Survey


I would probably create these as CTAs. That will be the easiest way. 


You could do it with forms and CSS, but that's going to be quite a bit more work.


I'd also suggest checking out the service hub and using the NPS survey that's built right in.  It's not quite a smiley and sad face, but there's some pretty cool functionality there. If you'd like I'd be happy to walk you through that at your convenience.

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Josh Curcio

HubSpot support and inbound marketing for OEMs, contract manufacturers, and industrial suppliers.
HubSpot Diamond Partner & HubSpot Certified Trainer

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Simple Smiley Face Survey


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Q: What is the best way to go about this adding a smiley face for satisfied and a frowny face for disatisfied to a simple email survey?


Short A: CTAs


Longer A:

While there are a variety of solutions to achieve your outcome, as @Josh pointed out, CTAs will probably the easiest. You can add images to CTAs as needed. (see image)






Please include @MFJLabs if you'd like me to respond.


Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.


Hope that helps.


Be well,

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Simple Smiley Face Survey


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Q: What is the best way to go about this adding a smiley face for satisfied and a frowny face for disatisfied to a simple email survey?


Short A: CTAs


Longer A:

While there are a variety of solutions to achieve your outcome, as @Josh pointed out, CTAs will probably the easiest. You can add images to CTAs as needed. (see image)






Please include @MFJLabs if you'd like me to respond.


Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.


Hope that helps.


Be well,

Simple Smiley Face Survey


Thanks Frank! Got it figured out. I knew that way would be an option, but didn't know if it was the best option. I was able to create a great survey.


Only part that has challenged me is that it looks great on all devices but the phone. My two smiley faces (satisfied / dissatisfied) are not centering on the email or landing pages on the cell phone. I need to make edits just for the look on the cell phone if possible. 

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Simple Smiley Face Survey


How did you do it? What does the CTA or button link to?

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Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Diamante

Simple Smiley Face Survey


I would probably create these as CTAs. That will be the easiest way. 


You could do it with forms and CSS, but that's going to be quite a bit more work.


I'd also suggest checking out the service hub and using the NPS survey that's built right in.  It's not quite a smiley and sad face, but there's some pretty cool functionality there. If you'd like I'd be happy to walk you through that at your convenience.

Did this post help solve your problem? If so, please mark it as a solution.

Josh Curcio

HubSpot support and inbound marketing for OEMs, contract manufacturers, and industrial suppliers.
HubSpot Diamond Partner & HubSpot Certified Trainer

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Simple Smiley Face Survey


Thanks Josh! Got it figured out. I knew that way would be an option, but didn't know if it was the best option. I was able to create a great survey.


Only part that has challenged me is that it looks great on all devices but the phone. My two smiley faces (satisfied / dissatisfied) are not centering on the email or landing pages on the cell phone. I need to make edits just for the look on the cell phone if possible. 

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