Email Marketing Tool


Shopify Deal Line item

Hi there,


I can't figure out how I can add a personaliztion from a deal line item to an email to a customer so that it will show up that the person purchased this item (line_item) in the deal. And also the URL picture from the product. 

Any thoughts?

2 Réponses

Shopify Deal Line item

THank you @DianaGomez 


I've seen posts from @karstenkoehler before and read through them. Yet I still have a hard time understanding ha!

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Gestionnaire de communauté
Gestionnaire de communauté

Shopify Deal Line item

Hi @BSchipner.,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community!I wanted to tag in a couple of subject-matter experts to see if they have any input on this matter:
hi @karstenkoehler@Bryantworksdo you have any advice for @BSchipner ? Thank you!


Diana, Community Team

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