Email Marketing Tool


Say Hello to Easy Coupon Management on HubSpot

Tired of the hassle of managing coupons on HubSpot? We feel your pain.

That’s why we made the Coupons App – to take the stress away and streamline your workflows.


It integrates directly into your HubSpot account, so you can easily generate, distribute, and track coupons to boost customer engagement and drive sales.


With the Coupons App, you can: 


  • Bulk upload and/or generate an unlimited number of unique coupon codes
  • Automatically sync coupon data with HubSpot
  • Trigger single-use coupon sends in your HubSpot workflows
  • Track your marketing campaigns with real-time insights


If anyone is interested in trying it out, we’re happy to set you up with a 7-day free trial if you email us at 🙂 


For more info - you can check out our listing on the HubSpot app marketplace


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Say Hello to Easy Coupon Management on HubSpot

I'm interested in trying this out - right now, I haven't been able to figure out a workaround for automatically sending out coupons through my Hubspot workflows. Hopefully this solves it. 🤞  Thanks for sharing! 

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