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I'm creating an email template. Can anyone tell me how to pass a parameter to the URL of a button? For example, I have a button labelled "Send Sample". I need to know at least the name, or email address of the person making the request so I can look up their address, etc. in order to send the sample.
I'm hoping that the [email address] or some other parameter can be sent to the URL so the server can capture that information.
Does anyone know how this can be done? Thanks in Advance!!
Not aware of a 'list' of personalization tokens. However, most default and custom properties are available for use as personalization tokens per the following article.
We're getting close. I guess what I'm asking is what is the syntax of the property?
In the example we have {{}}. But what if I create a custom property like "my custom property" with spaces. What is the syntax of the token:
You'll need to use what's known as the 'internal value' for the property. These are highly specific to each property, as the ability to edit these internal values within HubSpot has evolved over time and is now totally prohibited.
That being said, the general syntax replaces spaces and most other special characters with the underscore character ('_') -- as shown in your example #3.
Best way to be certain what the internal value for any given property is is to view the property within the HubSpot UI. Once in the property definition dialog you'll want to click on the '</>' symbol to reveal the internal value.
- see image
HubSpot Properties Internal Values
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