How to create a template where I can do a follow-up of clients files with my boss
Okay @FOffice1 - I think what you're looking for might be a simple email template that could pull in personalization tokens for some data points, and placeholders for other notes on the evolution of a client file. However, it's not something you can automate - it's an email you'd have to create each time based on the latest information in their file (I don't know how a HubSpot Workflow would solve for that).
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How to create a template where I can do a follow-up of clients files with my boss
Okay @FOffice1 - I think what you're looking for might be a simple email template that could pull in personalization tokens for some data points, and placeholders for other notes on the evolution of a client file. However, it's not something you can automate - it's an email you'd have to create each time based on the latest information in their file (I don't know how a HubSpot Workflow would solve for that).
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I have a question for you for clarification - when you say files, are you talking about the activities you're taking with a contact? For instance, the calls made, emails sent, tasks completed, and notes created?
If yes, I'd look at customizing a HubSpot report like "activitiy timeline" so it shows your activities, and you can automate the sharing for a weekly email to your boss.
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