Email Marketing Tool

HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

How is the resubscription API working for you?

Hi all,


Tyler here, I am a product manager at HubSpot on our Subscriptions team and I am eager for questions/feedback on our new resubscription API that we have given you access to. 


If you have a question or bit of feedback drop a comment and I'll be happy to assist/review with the team!

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Member | Platinum Partner
Member | Platinum Partner

How is the resubscription API working for you?

Hi Tyler


Great that the API is being worked on.


Can you clarify something please:


1. Will it be possible to use workflows to resubscribe/subscribe a contact who is opted out?

2. Will it be possible to go to a contact who is opted out and manually opt them back in. 

3. In the documentation it says and I quote: "this endpoint will not allow you to resubscribe contacts who have opted out". So, am I to understand that if a contact is opted out from email marketing, and he in the webshop purchases something new, and chooses to re-subsubscribe then that is not possible? 


Looking forward to your response.


Have a good weekend!