HOW TO: Add different addresses in email footer without Marketing Enterprise.
While the best option is to have Marketing Enterprise to manage multiple email footers, some of us do not have the resources to do so just yet. For those of us in that boat, there is a way to go so with a couple of workarounds.
Due to the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, HubSpot requires some office location tokens in every email sent from HubSpot, more here: Set up your CAN-SPAM email footer information. So we will keep your main portal address in the email.
The end goal here is to have an email footer that looks something like this:
Let’s start!
I’ve used the most basic Drag and Drop email editor here. The next step is to delete the footer that’s currently there and replace it with a text module.
Then we would go ahead and open up the source code and paste the following code into it:
Finally, you’ll want to edit your current office location where the current HubSpot Singapore’s office address is! This way you can show both your current location as the main office location in your email while keeping the global headquarters office location (in a smaller font size) in the email which is required for emails to be sent.
Note: You could also use this method to create custom modules if you happen to have multiple locations and would like to just drag and drop the module you require onto your email!
HOW TO: Add different addresses in email footer without Marketing Enterprise.
It's not possible to delete the default footer from marketing emails in HubSpot, so I'm not sure what the benefit is with this "hack" (yes, technically you can delete the footer but you're not allowed to send the email without the tokens within it so it won't do you much good.)
Nor can you edit the footer in the design tools. So either way, if you want a different footer in your email than the default one you're gonna have to use two footers.
HOW TO: Add different addresses in email footer without Marketing Enterprise.
Thanks a lot for this! I'm however not able to delete the official footer: These tokens are required in all marketing emails sent from HubSpot. If these tokens are not detected in your email you will not be able to send. What do you recommend here if you don't want 2 addresses in the footer?