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Forwarding an email creates unwanted format changes
I use Marketing Hub Starter to create marketing emails. I usually use a side-by-side layout with images on the left, and corresponding text on the right. The problem I'm having is, whenever a recipient forwards one of our emails to anyone, the layout breaks. For example, let's say I send myself an email newsletter, and open it in my gmail. It looks correct: Images on the left, text on the right. Then I forward the newsletter to one of my colleagues: Now, the layout changes to where everything is stacked. Images appear alone on a line, with text below them. Is there any way to make sure our desired layout stays the same even when an email is forwarded? Most email editors can handle this, especially with a platform as universal as gmail. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
Forwarding an email creates unwanted format changes
I can confirm from my 10+ years of experience with email marketing, Hubspot is the only platform I've encountered that has this issue to this extent. I've used Emma, Mailchimp, Active Campaign, and Constant Contact, and Hubspot is by far the least reliable when it comes to the stability of html email format and design.
Forwarding an email creates unwanted format changes
Thanks for your quick response! I'm quite surprised that HubSpot seems to be unable to solve this problem in an adequate manner. I don't require a 100% forward function, but at least 95% should be reasonable to my opinion. Because of this lack of functionality, I have perhaps to reconsider my choice for Hubspot as my preferred email marketing system.
Forwarding an email creates unwanted format changes
It actually seems that only Hubspot has this issue that I have seen from numerous trials with other software. It's really poor from a very expensive software.
Forwarding an email creates unwanted format changes
Unfortunately I'm struggling with the same issue. Before, I used Mailchimp and didn't have any problem with forwarding my newsmail through outlook. Recently, I implemented HubSpot because of its professional CRM features, but honestly I'm really disappointed since forwarded newsmails have completely lost the original design. This gives a very bad impression. I can't understand why a professional system like HubSpot is way behind a simple system like Mailchimp regarding the feature of forwarding newsmails.
Thank you for reaching out and Welcome to the Community. I want to share with you this thread that could help; as well as this following article that explains why forwarded emails can break and tips to avoid it: