Email Marketing Tool


Embedding a Canva Asset to a Hubspot Marketing Email

Hi all! I was successful at using the embed code from Canva (so I can import the Canva asset directly for the newsletter I want to distribute via Hubspot). It looks perfect in the preview:



But when I sent it to myself, the Canva asset isn't appearing:



I can insert the Canva asset as an image file on my Hubspot email, but I need to use the embed option because there are hyperlinked buttons on the asset. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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Embedding a Canva Asset to a Hubspot Marketing Email

The preview that you see in the design editor in Hubspot is an HTML rendering of your email similar to if viewed in a browser vs. an email client. For testing email client rendering you should either use test emails or the Clients tab of the preview area to utilize a rendering of how emails will look in email clients.


Basically what is happening is that while your code is valid HTML to include the canva document, most email clients will not render such includes for security reasons.  What you should look to do instead is migrate your canva design to an email template in Hubspot so that you can have the design you want within Hubspot.  This will take some work (& possibly coding) to accomplish, but it will be the only way to get your desired result.


Alternatively you could also put a brief of your newsletter in a Hubspot email and then link to a landing page with your canva doc on it for the full story and further interactivity.