Automated email upon form submission isn't sending...
I am at a loss what to do...
I have several Hubspot forms on my WordPress website, and never had an issue with automation, until now.
After changing the "what should happen after a visitor submits this form" from "Display a Thank-You-message" to "Redirect to another page" the workflow is no longer sending out the automated email it is supposed to send out.
Changing this setting back to the ThankYouMessage didn't resolve it, and following advice from the Hubspot help pages (share the link of the form in another tab/window and filling it out there instead of on my page) also does not work...
Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this? I have been at it since Saturday, and was hoping for Hubspot to answer me today (Monday) but it's a holiday it seems...
Automated email upon form submission isn't sending...
@DidiAR if you have a paid subscription I would recommend reaching out to HubSpot Support. These folx can access your portal directly and do troubleshooting a lot more efficiently.
I would check the following:
Have you hit your email sending limit?
Are we looking at the right form and automation?
Take a form submission contact and see if they enrolled, and what happened or if they did not enrol
Automated email upon form submission isn't sending...
The redirect/message shouldn't have anything to do with the automated email. I would double-check your workflow triggers to ensure something wasn't turned off/changed or that the automated email wasn't unpublished. A similar situation happened to me in the past and the issue was that the auto email was unpublished which halted the workflow. Best of luck!
Automated email upon form submission isn't sending...
Thanks @ACoffman , yeah thought that might have happened, but it isn't the case... Doublechecked and as in screenshot below... I know the redirect shouldn't have anything to do with it, and as time passes and I am confirming it isn't this or that, I start to wonder if there's something super simple I am missing?!?! The workflow is ON, the emails are published... I am puzzled!!
Below are 2 screenshots, one to confirm I did set contacts to marketing contacts and the second one shows the start of the workflow.
I test the form when I change anything (with some of my own email addresses and when I am really in doubt I ask some of our volunteers to do the same - to know it isn't an issue for me only). And yes, an external mail...
Automated email upon form submission isn't sending...
Thanks for the screenshots @DidiAR! I would guess the simplest explanation is that this workflow does not have re-enrolment active. That simply means contacts will only enrol ones and not multiple times.
If you have used an email that you have used to test this form and the subsequent workflow below, it won't get enrolled again. It still works for new contacts though.
Hope that helps.
Found my comment helpful? Great! Please mark it as a solution to help other community users.
If that were the case, how to I activate re-enrolment?
BUT... I fear that that is not the issue, as just now I tested it with an email address that has never been used for a Hubspot form, and the email doesn't reach its inbox either 😞
Also, I get the internal email notifications of a sign up, but those contacts do not show in the workflow stats 😞
Greetings Didi
PS Now... the Hubspot page tells me it cannot load my emails. Is there possibly something wrong on my end of the system, is that possible?
Automated email upon form submission isn't sending...
@DidiAR if you have a paid subscription I would recommend reaching out to HubSpot Support. These folx can access your portal directly and do troubleshooting a lot more efficiently.
I would check the following:
Have you hit your email sending limit?
Are we looking at the right form and automation?
Take a form submission contact and see if they enrolled, and what happened or if they did not enrol
Automated email upon form submission isn't sending...
Thanks a lot @franksteiner79 , I have reached out to them and have received some questions so we are in contact... Your list of points to check is very helpful indeed. Thanks for the heads up about re-enrolment, that's not something on the horizon for us yes :-).