Email Marketing Tool

Colaborador | Partner nivel Platinum
Colaborador | Partner nivel Platinum

Additional filtering on product recommendations


Hi HubSpot,


I have an additions for your product recommendation tool in emails that i would like to have. Most of the ecommerce shops that we work with have wide product ranges and all product categories will not fit all emails that we want to add recommendations to. At the same time, we would like to filter out products that are not in stock and maybe filter for products that are discounted. Because of that, we would like to be able to do the following:

  1. Create a product module and select top sellers in the recommendation tool (Available in the beta).
  2. Filter for specific product properties to filter out products that are not in stock and products that are in specific categories (This is the suggested addition).

Without the above, only shops with very narrow product ranges will be able to use this.


Also, one small addition to the layout: It would be good to be able to show both price and discount if a product is available at a reduced price.

1 Soluciones aceptada
Miembro estimable | Partner nivel Elite
Miembro estimable | Partner nivel Elite

Additional filtering on product recommendations


@jaah have you submitted this to the ideas forum? HubSpot product folks monitor that closely and you can get upvotes & comments to help get their attention. 


Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


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3 Respuestas 3
Colaborador | Partner nivel Platinum
Colaborador | Partner nivel Platinum

Additional filtering on product recommendations


My bad - i thought that is what i did. I have submitted the idea here:

Miembro estimable | Partner nivel Elite
Miembro estimable | Partner nivel Elite

Additional filtering on product recommendations


@jaah have you submitted this to the ideas forum? HubSpot product folks monitor that closely and you can get upvotes & comments to help get their attention. 


Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


Additional filtering on product recommendations


Hi Dan,


is there any possibility for product recommendation functions in HubSpot? 


My client integration with HubSpot will be mainly with custom ERP where every webshop/commerce data is. But I think they should connect to a webshop somehow to gather data for behaviour triggers. Or is HubSpot's tracking code enough for this? Do they need HubSpot's Ecommerce Bridge?


Their products are in the webshop and ERP system. Is it necessary to import all their products in HubSpot too, so we can prepare automation triggers?


Can you give me some examples of complex recommendations that can be done with HubSpot? I supposed it can be done just in email automation using behaviour and purchasing data. Or can chatbot automation be used for this?


I know that HubSpot is not Emarsys but I suppose some kind of product recommendation can be done in it. Correct?





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