Email Marketing Tool


Active List that shows people who clicked a link in an email in last 24 hours


Hey all,


Have hit a bit of a roadblock trying to work out how to build a list that shows everyone who has clicked on a link in a url in a marketing email that contains a specific string in the last 24 hours. 

Am i being too ambitious trying to achieve this with the out-of-the-box reporting tools?


Thanks in advance,



1 Solução aceita
Participante de valor | Parceiro Platinum
Participante de valor | Parceiro Platinum

Active List that shows people who clicked a link in an email in last 24 hours


Hey @JoeRoberts hope you are doing great.

SO I think this may help

you can build an active List with the filter for Marketing email activity

(chose the email you want to analyze) with the "clicked link"ad chose the link you want to track

and then you can refine the filter by date, for example, yesterday 

like this

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 11.44.09 AM.png

What do you think?

Hope this helps.

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23&IN24
Certified Trainer (12+ years) | SuperAdmins Bootcamp Instructor

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1 Resposta 1
Participante de valor | Parceiro Platinum
Participante de valor | Parceiro Platinum

Active List that shows people who clicked a link in an email in last 24 hours


Hey @JoeRoberts hope you are doing great.

SO I think this may help

you can build an active List with the filter for Marketing email activity

(chose the email you want to analyze) with the "clicked link"ad chose the link you want to track

and then you can refine the filter by date, for example, yesterday 

like this

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 11.44.09 AM.png

What do you think?

Hope this helps.

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23&IN24
Certified Trainer (12+ years) | SuperAdmins Bootcamp Instructor

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