Can Hubspot's Email Marketing Tools affect communications from employee emails?
Hi everyone.
In the recent weeks; our company has had difficulties with emails no longer reaching some of our vendors and contacts. I fear it may be due to our activity in Hubspot's Emailing Marketing Campaigns. Typically; I would send a follow-up email to attendee's from events we sponsor at with resonable delivery and open rates. Over time, these rates began to drop off and have considerably low engagement.
At one point, Hubspot issued a warning banner and I followed the instructions and cleaned up our contacts list. The warning prompt did not result in a suspension and eventually cleared.
I also use the hubspot marketing email tools for internal use with company events and notifications. These emails are only sent to our teams.
All this to say that within the last month, a number of our vendors have stopped receiving out emails (sent via outlook and employee emails; not our hubspot portal) and I am trying to figure out the root cause and if our outreach through Hubspot is a contributor.
Can Hubspot's Email Marketing Tools affect communications from employee emails?
Hi @Lauren09988 ! Emails sent within the marketing email tool are sent from our network. Emails sent outside of that tool (like 1:1 emails on the contact record, sequence emails, or emails sent outside of the HubSpot product entirely) are not sent from our network. They are sent from your connect inbox's network. You mentioned you use Outlook, so those send via Outlook's network and not ours.
So for non-marketing email communication, our IPs will not impact delivery or deliverability of those. However, domain reputation can impact delivery and deliverability of those. If any of your marketing email activity has hurt your domain reputation, it can impact 1:1 emails sent off of HubSpot too. Because domain reputation is outside of HubSpot's control, we can't assist much in investigating or repairing it. That is something you should work with your email admin on! Google Postmaster is a great, free way to check your domain reputation with at least 1 provider.
As for information on blocklists, not every blocklist causes issues. An IP appearing on a blocklist is not a cause for concern unless that blocklist is being used by the recipients you email. I could make a blocklist tomorrow and list every IP I find, but that doesn't mean any email recipient network would take my list seriously or use it.
Blocklists typically cause bounces which will reference the specific blocklist in the bounce message. For example, the bounce message might say "Bounced due to SpamHaus" or "SORBS." If you aren't seeing those, then the blocklists are not impacting you. If you are worried about this, connect wth HubSpot Support who can help you check your bounces!
Can Hubspot's Email Marketing Tools affect communications from employee emails?
I do understand that Hubspot has a list of IP addresses it uses to send from... after cross-referencing that list with an IP blocklist Checker, it discovered three blocklisted IPs.
I do not really understand what that means nor how to remove them. Do I reach out to the individual lists it is reporting on? (ex: SORBS)?