Teaching with the Seventh Level Brand Engagement courses
Hey Everyone,
This post is to announce a new asset that we’ve launched around practical education in the classroom. For a while now, we’ve offered our free marketing software for students to use, but we’ve seen how hard it is to implement in curriculum. Without a fully functioning business, it can be hard to put together projects for students with live business cases.
For this, we created a new asset working with Amanda Slavin, Co-Founder & CEO of CatalystCreativ, HubSpot advisory board member, and Creator of the Seventh Level Engagement Framework. The asset is a set of seven courses for the seven different levels of engagement outlined in her framework. Amanda has used this framework to consult brands like Coca-Cola, NPR, Google, and the Oakland Raiders on how they can better understand their own purpose to connect with their audiences.
The courses present students with real business situations through case study scenarios to have them analyze their audience and create digital campaigns using HubSpot marketing software. In this case we used Coachella Music Festival to find better ways for them to connect with audience members throughout different stages of the buyer’s journey. You can see the courses on our pillar page here.
This thread is dedicated to sharing some of the experiences that we have with students going through this content and to share opportunities we see to build on this. This set of courses is just the starting point and example of ways to put together software, case studies, and marketing initiatives, but we need more professors sharing their learnings so that we can all grow better!
To spark some conversation, here are a few ideas that I have running in my head:
How can we package the work that students are doing when they complete these projects to help them get jobs and internships?
How can we collectively gain feedback for this content to measure it’s effectiveness for students? From both students and professors.
What do you think we could add to this coursework that would better the experience for students?
Please use this space to share ideas, stories, or questions that you have!
Teaching with the Seventh Level Brand Engagement courses
This is such an excellent resource - thank you @JordanAmes24 for all of your hard work!
We're hoping that this allows all Education Partners in our program to see Applied Learning as the way forward in preparing students for their careers. Would love to see input, comments, and questions from our partners, too!