Education Partner Program Community

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HubSpot Moderator

HubSpot Education Partner Program: Faculty Beta Group

We're looking for your help! 

We're looking for a group of professors that are open to being pitched some of our ideas for producing new resources. 2020 is right around the corner - and we want to produce a lot of new content for you!

Before we launch it, we want to test it out. Are you willing to help us?

We are looking for a beta group to test the following:

1) Syllabi - We would like to get input from professors who will use half or most of the sample syllabi we provide.

2) Certifications and Short Courses - We would like to get input from professors who will use HubSpot-specific certifications (HubSpot Marketing Software Certification and/or HubSpot Sales Software Certification)

3) Assignments - We would like to get input from professors who will use our 20-45 minutes mini-assignments

4) Projects - We would like to get input from professors who will use our 3-15 week projects

5) Can you give us recommendations on anything else we haven't listed above? Tell us!
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