HubSpot Education Partner Program: Faculty Beta Group
We're looking for your help!
We're looking for a group of professors that are open to being pitched some of our ideas for producing new resources. 2020 is right around the corner - and we want to produce a lot of new content for you!
Before we launch it, we want to test it out. Are you willing to help us?
We are looking for a beta group to test the following:
1) Syllabi - We would like to get input from professors who will use half or most of the sample syllabi we provide.
2) Certifications and Short Courses - We would like to get input from professors who will use HubSpot-specific certifications (HubSpot Marketing Software Certification and/or HubSpot Sales Software Certification)
3) Assignments - We would like to get input from professors who will use our 20-45 minutes mini-assignments
4) Projects - We would like to get input from professors who will use our 3-15 week projects
5) Can you give us recommendations on anything else we haven't listed above? Tell us!
No one has replied to this post quite yet. Check back soon to see if someone has a solution, or submit your own reply if you know how to help! Karma is real.