We thought it was pretty good... until... we did some research.
One of our students was working on an honors project and wanted to get honest, unbiased opinions about what other folks thought of the webpage.
I reached out to @imoche who connected me with Randy Harrison from Emmerson University. Randy offered his students extra credit to review the webpage and complete the survey. OUCH!
Their honest opinions helped my students make some major changes to the user experience and content of the project. Thanks, Randy.
If you have thoughts, ideas, challenges..., please share them here. Together, I'll bet we can find creative solutions.
Thanks Paula. And thanks @imoche for connecting me and Paula. Sharing is indeed caring!
This is a great example of the collaborative spirit that innovative educators like you Paula bring to your students and to us. Funny. I did offer my students extra credit to respond to the survey like you said, but as we know, students like to make real contributions that can make a difference. I saw that they were excited to help your students take a great idea and make it even better. Talk about an applied learning experience!