E-Commerce HUG

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ChristinaKay on June 03, 2022
Hi friends 😁 So we have a pretty cool HUG coming up and I want to hear from you on all your questions about HubSpot eCommerce, B2B2C, and the HubSpot Ecosystem! You can either comment questions or fill out this survey (emails/names read more
ChristinaKay on April 27, 2022
The first-ever eCommerce HUG was amazing! Thanks to @paragjagdale for his amazing insights and work on this. If you missed the HUG, slides and videos are up ! Want to speak at the eCommerce HUG? Shoot me a direct message here!
April 28, 2022 16:33
Thank you for the opportunity @ChristinaKay ! I had fun answering the great questions we got. I am looking forward to the second eCommerce HUG!
ChristinaKay on April 13, 2022
I am getting so excited because the co-founder of Unific , Parag Jagdale , is going to be talking all about eCommerce and HubSpot ! I know... I know... those two things are not talked about a lot but if you are in the eCommerce world.. you ne read more
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