Contact is collected through the form with E-mail instead of Name: This usually happens when HubSpot doesn’t know the first name or last name of the contact. By default, email is a required field in a form, so if the name fields are not filled, HubSpot shows the email address in the name column. To resolve this, you can make the Name Fields required in your form. This way, the form will not be submitted unless the name fields are filled out.
Some contacts do not appear in the hub: This could be due to the permissions set in your HubSpot account. If a contact already exists in the CRM but you do not have the permissions to view the contact, it might not appear for you2. An admin might have limited your view access to certain contacts. This can be adjusted by following these steps: Edit user permissions (CRM tab > Object access). If you imported these contacts without an owner, then they’re sitting around unassigned and would not be visible to you. The quickest solution would be another import. HubSpot will simply update these contacts, based on their email address, and you should be able to see them right after the import.
Como esta sendo o processo do envio do formulário? Seria um formulário da HubSpot associado com um site externo? Seria por API? Quando o usuário esta com o email no lugar do nome, a propriedade email está vazia? Quanto mais informações, capturas de tela e detalhes você fornecer, melhor poderei aconselhá-lo sobre as próximas etapas.