On April 28th, 2025, we will be updating the CRM Exports API to bring it closer to feature parity with the in-app export tool as well as improve the overall performance of the API allowing for quicker file delivery. Exports that exceed one milli read more
As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance security within the HubSpot ecosystem, we will update the scope requirements for app cards in private apps on December 1st, 2024.
What’s Changing?
When uploading a project, any app cards lacking read more
On November 18th , we're making an update to property validation for any CRM properties using the "type": "bool" . Currently, these properties are not validated correctly, making it possible to store any string value in these properties. This read more
We've recently been getting the error: HTTP response body: {"status":"error","message":"Boolean properties must have exactly two options; one ...read more
What’s changing?
The V1 Contact Lists API will sunset on May 30th, 2025 . After this date, calls made to the v1 endpoints will no longer function. We're sunsetting the V1 Contact Lists API to focus our development efforts on the improved V3 read more
Today we're releasing an update to the auth settings for public apps . This update will add new options for choosing the scopes used by your app. The new settings are currently optional, but they will be required beginning on October 21 read more
This is a reposting of the developer changelog , if there are any differences the version live on the changelog is the official announcement. HubSpot's cookie consent banner allows site visitors to opt in or opt out of being tracked in your HubSp read more
What’s happening?
On May 20th, 2024, we will be removing two deprecated fields from the different versions of the Webhooks API:
The rateLimitPolicy field will be removed from the legacy v1 Webhooks API
The period field will be remove read more
We'll be limiting requests to the GET /conversations/v3/conversations/threads endpoint to allow only a single inboxId query parameter.
What's changing?
This endpoint currently allows you to include multiple instances of the inboxI read more
Beginning in March 2024 , we'll be updating the system that generates contact record IDs. This will affect the id for the v3 Contacts API , the vid for the legacy Contacts API , and the hs_object_id property returned with ei read more
What you guys did without any notice to users is very, very messed up; we lost a week of customers till we noticed the issue and had to spend hours t...read more
edit: In response to some customer feedback, we’ll be looking at enabling this feature via a setting instead of opting everybody into this by default and are removing the February 6, 2024 deadline and replacing with 1st half of 2024.
read more
On Jan 31, 2024, we will be sunsetting the following items in relation to HubDB:
HubDB API v1
HubDB API v2
HubDB JavaScript Client
We encourage users to migrate the HubDB v3 API . This API includes many performance, usab read more
Note: This post has been updated to reflect the new date that the changes will go live. The changes to the legacy v2 Forms API will now go into effect on March 19, 2024.
We're changing how the lifecycle stage for CRM records is handled in fo read more