Developer Announcements

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Upcoming changes to the v3 CRM Pipeline API

What’s changing?

archived’ is an optional, boolean query parameter for the v3 CRM Pipeline API. This parameter is used to indicate whether to return pipelines that have been archived. Currently all archived pipelines are purged/hard deleted from the HubSpot system after 30 days.

We will be sunsetting this parameter on March 14th 2022 for the following endpoints:

Retrieve all pipelines
GET /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}

Return a pipeline by ID
GET /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}

Update a pipeline by ID
PATCH /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}

Return all stages of a pipeline

GET /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}/stages

Return a pipeline stage by ID

GET /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}/stages/{stageId}

Update a pipeline stage
PATCH /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}/stages/{stageId}

This sunset is part of a larger effort to enhance HubSpot’s CRM pipeline auditing functionality as we are also introducing two new endpoints into public beta for auditing changes to pipelines and pipeline stages:

  • GET /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}/audit

Returns the audit history for the selected CRM pipeline. 


  • GET /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}/stages/{stageId}/audit

Returns the audit history for the selected CRM pipeline stage.

What this means for developers:


  • If your application is currently using the ‘archived’ parameter then this will no longer work after March 14th 2022. Requests will continue to work if the parameter is included, but the parameter will be ignored and no archived pipelines will be returned.
  • Going forward any deleted pipelines will be purged/hard deleted from the HubSpot system immediately.
  • If your application requires data on any previous changes made to pipelines or stages then you should use the new audit endpoints detailed above.
  • The audit endpoints will also return information on all deleted pipelines and stages.

When is this change happening?

The ‘archived’ optional parameter will be sunset on March 14th 2022.
The new endpoints for auditing pipelines and stages will be introduced into public beta today, February 11th 2022.

Please let us know if you have any questions by replying below.



Rahmona Henry
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