Template Marketplace: Updates to New Item Submission Limits for Providers
We are updating the submission limits of new items for providers on the Template Marketplace.
What is it?
Starting Monday, February 19, 2024,HubSpot Template Marketplace providers will be limited to submitting one template type – theme and/or module – for review and listing at a time. Any submission exceeding this limit will be automatically rejected until all submissions in review are approved or withdrawn.
Why does it matter?
This change aims to increase the efficiency of the listing process and improve the quality of submissions. By setting submission limits, our goal is to encourage thoughtful template submissions, reduce similar edits among multiple submissions, and expedite the review process.
How does it work?
Each provider is limited to one new submission in review at a time per template type – theme and/or module.
A submission is considered “new" if it is not presently published or approved. This includes a previously listed and unpublished theme or module.
A submission is considered "in review" when it is being reviewed by HubSpot and/or waiting for a provider to make any required edits.
Any submissions exceeding the set limit will be automatically rejected.
Who gets it?
This change applies to all template providers. To view your listings, log into your marketplace provider portal, and navigate to themes or modules. Questions? Email templatereview@hubspot.com
Auf diesen Beitrag hat noch niemand geantwortet. Es lohnt sich aber, gelegentlich wieder vorbei zu schauen und nachzusehen, ob jemand eine Antwort gepostet hat – oder um eine eigene Lösung zu posten!