Nov 27, 202410:02 AM - bearbeitet Nov 27, 202410:07 AM
HubSpot Employee
November 2024 Rollup
Our November update brings you information on the HubSpot CLI, which has been upgraded to version 6.4.0, introducing new commands for better asset data management, allowing self-diagnosis of installation issues, and simplifying dependency management. Additionally, the Exports API now supports improved export options for data consistency, allowing users to specify internal property names and values in their exports to enhance data integration processes. Furthermore, case studies can now be linked to marketing campaigns, providing insights into metrics like 'influenced contacts', 'new contacts', and 'revenue', though these associations are manageable only through the UI.
Please read more below.
Developer Updates for November 2024
CLI version 6.4.0
The CLI has been updated to version 6.4.0. To update to the latest version of the HubSpot CLI in your terminal, run the following:
npm install -g /cli@latest
New commands:
hs theme preview
This command was introduced in version 6.3.0 and has been updated to improve asset data handling and greatly reduce startup time for restarted sessions within the same theme.
hs doctor
This command allows users to self-diagnose common problems with the hs installation, configuration files, and projects. Running the hs doctor command will explain the problem and provide remediation steps.
hs project install-deps
This command will help simplify dependency management in projects.
These new features and updates were added for developers that leverage the HubSpot CLI within their development flow.
Enhanced Export Options for Exports API
The Exports API now supports an additional feature to improve data consistency and predictability for programmatic integrations. Users can include internal property names or property values instead of property labels in their exported files.
New Functionality Details:
Users can now include the exportInternalValuesOptions array in their export requests to specify the inclusion of internal property details:
NAMES: Exports the internal names of properties as column headers.
VALUES: Exports internal property values, such as numerical identifiers for custom pipeline stages or timestamps instead of human-readable dates.
Including both options in the array will export both internal property names and values.
Customers utilizing the Exports API to programmatically extract HubSpot data for external storage or integration with other applications can now ensure that the exported data includes unique and consistent identifiers. This enhancement mitigates issues arising from non-unique property labels, thereby streamlining data integration processes.
When creating an export request, include the exportInternalValuesOptions array in the payload:
This configuration will include both internal property names and values in the export.
Case Studies Can Now Be Associated to Marketing Campaigns
Campaigns are powerful tool for assessing analytics and performance. Case studies can now be associated with campaigns, helping to track attribution towards 'influenced contacts', 'new contacts', and 'revenue' metrics. At this time, the associations can only be created and deleted in the UI and not the API, but for some integrations, it may be valuable to know if this association is possible.
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