This is a reposting of the HubSpot Developer Changelog Announcement, if there are any differences in this copy, the official changelog version is the source of truth.
Version 6 of the HubSpot CLI drops support for Node v16. Node.js v16 reached end of life on September 11th, 2023. To ensure security and reliability for developers building with the CLI, we will be ending support for Node.js v16 on September 10th, 2024.
This change also means that if you are using the HubSpot GitHub Action, you need to ensure you are using the latest version of the GitHub Action.
What's changing?
If you installed the HubSpot CLI locally or to a developer environment using NPM it requires Node to function. Node version 16 is an older version of Node, the most current LTS version at the time of this announcement is Node 20. You can either update Node directly or use Node Version Manager (NVM) to update and manage your Node version.
If you use the HubSpot GitHub Deploy Action you should check and update the version number of the deploy action you are using. The latest version is v1.7. This uses Node Version 20 and the latest version of the HubSpot CLI under-the-hood. uses: HubSpot/hubspot-cms-deploy-action@v1.7
When is it happening?
This change will be published on September 10th, 2024. At that time any GitHub Deploy Actions still on the old version will stop working.
Your local version of the CLI doesn't update automatically so it will likely continue to function but you will see notices to update to the latest version. Updating to the latest version if you are on version 16 of Node will require updating to Node version 18 or higher.